Friday, August 15, 2014

Experiencing 'Purchase Anxiety'? How to Calm Your Nerves Before Committing to Buy a New Home

Experiencing 'Purchase Anxiety'? How to Calm Your Nerves Before Committing to Buy a New HomeWhether this is your first big purchase, or your family is moving to a new location or looking for more space, buying a home has its share of ups and downs.

It's perfectly normal to feel anxious about whether or not you've found the right property. Here are some things you can do to make yourself feel more secure with your decision.

Do The Math

You've probably already done this, but it's okay to go over it a number of times to be sure. Factor in your household income and all the bills you expect to pay every month. Add everything up.

It sounds like a stressful activity, but when you look at the numbers and realize that buying a home is actually doable, it can be a liberating feeling.

When you know for sure you can make it as a homeowner without getting underwater, you will feel more confident.

Meet The Neighbors

If you haven't had the chance to knock on a couple of doors yet, you should spend some time saying hello to people in the neighborhood. The more you can get to talking with families that are just like yours, the more you will be able to picture yourself as a member of the community.

If you have kids, find out if there are other kids the same age nearby. That will help to ease their anxiety about moving as well.

Ask Your Agent

Don't feel like you are being overly cautious if you ask your real estate agent and or mortgage professional your lingering questions. Make sure you're getting a good price for the area, and make sure you know about any issues with the condition of the property.

You should be able to trust that your realtor and mortgage professional are excited for your decision.

Familiarize Yourself With The Neighborhood

Take a drive and figure out which stores you're nearest to, the route you can take to get to work, and which other amenities you might take advantage of. Home buyers often underestimate how important living in a safe neighborhood with plenty of accessible businesses can be.

The more you can imagine yourself living at your new address, the better you will feel.

Remember, never sign the papers on a new home unless you feel one hundred percent secure in your buying decision.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Can't Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage? Here Are Three Tips to Try to Get a Mortgage Approval

Can't Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage? Here Are Three Tips to Try to Get a Mortgage ApprovalFew people in the world can afford to pay the entire cost of a new home upfront, which is why banks and other financial institutions offer home loans. Also known as mortgages, those loans let you make monthly payments to pay off the money you borrow and the interest charged on that loan. If you can't get approved for a mortgage, try using a few easy tips.

Improve Your Credit Score

When you apply for a home loan, the lender looks at your credit history and credit score first. Your credit history contains a long list of all the money you borrowed in the past, but it also shows your total debts, medical bills and if you had a foreclosure or a bankruptcy. Your credit score is a three digit number based on your ratio of debt to credit, any defaults on your account and any issues you had in the past.

If a lender denies you for a mortgage, get your credit score up before you apply again. Even something as simple as paying off more of your debt can increase your score by a few points. Eliminating bad debts and removing any mistakes from your credit report can also help.

Apply with a Cosigner

Applying for a loan with a cosigner is another option for those with poor credit. The lender will put more weight on the credit score of your cosigner than the lender does on your own credit report. You want to find someone with a close connection to you and someone who has a good credit score.

Your cosigner agrees to pay back the loan if you default on that loan. The loan will also appear on your cosigner's credit report, which means you need to find someone willing to take a chance on you.

Look for Cheaper Homes

After applying for a loan, the lender looks at your credit history, your income and other factors to determine how much money you can borrow. Applying for a more expensive home might result in a rejection. The lender can determine that you cannot afford to purchase that home, but applying for a home that costs less might help you get the loan you need.

It's possible for you to obtain a mortgage that helps you pay for the home of your dreams. Applying with a cosigner, improving your credit and looking at cheaper homes might help you get that loan.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Mortgage Terms 101: Understanding 'Cash-Out Refinancing' and How to Determine if It's Worth It

Mortgage Terms 101: Understanding 'Cash-Out Refinancing' and How to Determine if It's Worth ItWith interest rates remaining near historic lows for the past several years, many of your friends and neighbors may have already told you that they have refinanced their home mortgages once or even a couple of times. A cash-out refinance can provide you with several important benefits, but it is not the best option for all homeowners. By learning more about what a cash-out refinance is and what the pros and cons of this type of refinance loan are, you can make a decision that is best for your current and future plans.

What Is a Cash-Out Refinance?

When you refinance your home mortgage, you can select a rate and term refinance which does not pull equity out of your home, or you can select a cash-out refinance to access some of the equity in your property. You can research your property value and your outstanding principal balance to determine how much equity you have available. Keep in mind that most lenders will not allow you to access all of the equity, and you can obtain more information about the loan amount you may qualify for by speaking with a mortgage professional.

The Benefits of a Cash-Out Refinance

If you decide to apply for a cash-out refinance loan, you may be able to walk away from the closing table with tens of thousands of dollars or more. This is money that you may use for any purpose, including home improvements, paying off high interest rate credit cards, sending the kids to college and more. In addition, you may enjoy other benefits from refinancing, such as lowering your interest rate and mortgage payment and adjusting your loan term to meet long-term goals.

When a Cash-Out Refinance May Not Be Advisable

A cash-out refinance loan can be beneficial, but there are instances when it is not the best solution. The loan will adjust principal reduction, the loan payoff date, the interest charges and other factors. The adjustment of these factors may make your new loan less advantageous for you in some cases, so you should carefully consider the full impact of refinancing before you decide to move forward.

From learning more about the benefits of refinancing to finding a competitive rate for your new mortgage, there are many factors to consider. You can speak with a mortgage professional today to inquire about the cash-out refinance loan terms that you may qualify for and to explore the options in greater detail. If you are thinking about applying for a cash-out home loan, contact a lending representative today.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Five Tips for Managing Your Monthly Budget to Ensure Your Mortgage is Paid On-Time, Every Time

Five Tips for Managing Your Monthly Budget to Ensure Your Mortgage is Paid On-Time, Every TimeHomeowners who are struggling to make their monthly mortgage payments can make it easier on themselves by cutting costs in other areas. Learning how to budget effectively will likely enable homeowners to pay their mortgage payments on-time, every time. Here are five of the best budget tips:

Conserve Energy

It is advisable to be mindful of energy use in order to keep utility bills down to a minimum. Lights, televisions and other devices requiring electrical power are best to leave off in unoccupied rooms. It is also a good idea to make sure that windows and doors are properly sealed so that energy is not wasted.

Stay Committed to Couponing

All too often, coupons that arrive in newspapers or through emails are quickly discarded. Collecting coupons from various sources can give homeowners the chance to save big on groceries, entertainment and other everyday purchases. Some of the savviest consumers have been known to spend practically nothing on their purchases by simply staying committed to the art of couponing.

Watch Credit Card Usage

Having a credit card often creates a false sense of financial security. Many card holders are tempted to charge their credit cards up to their limits only to be burdened with high interest rates and inflated minimum payments. Credit cards are best to use only in times of emergencies.

Consider Alternative Transportation Methods

Fuel costs, auto repairs and other expenses associated with driving a vehicle on a frequent basis can make it much harder for homeowners to stay on top of their mortgage payments. People who have access to adequate public transportation may be able to significantly reduce their commute costs. Car sharing services give people the opportunity to use a car on an as-needed basis and often prove to be a smarter alternative to owning a vehicle.

Keep Expense Records

It can also be easier to set money aside for mortgage payments if expenses are carefully monitored with a detailed eye. It is best to closely scrutinize receipts, bank statements and other financial documents for any discrepancies. Keeping track of expenses on a spreadsheet so that all financial information is clearly displayed may be another practical idea.

Smart budgeting practices can help homeowners save the extra money they need to pay their monthly mortgage payments before each due date passes. Contact a local mortgage professional to learn more clever ways to manage money while trying to pay on a mortgage.

Monday, August 11, 2014

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week - Aug 11, 2014

Whats Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week Aug 11 2014

Last week's housing related news was minimal, but a Federal Reserve survey of senior loan officers revealed that although credit standards for commercial and industrial loans as well as credit cards are easing, current mortgage credit standards are more stringent than in 2005. This could be a contributing factor to slowing housing market gains while other sectors of the economy are recovering at a faster pace.

Qualified Mortgage Rules Impact Non-Conforming Mortgages

The Senior Loan Officers survey also noted that qualified mortgage rules have slowed approval of prime jumbo mortgages and non-traditional home loans. This suggests that applicants falling outside of stringent qualified mortgage rules can expect challenges when buying or refinancing their homes.

In other housing news, Freddie Mac's Primary Mortgage Market Survey reported that last week's mortgage rates were mixed. Mortgage rates for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 4.14 percent with discount points of 0.70 percent against last week's reading of 4.12 percent with discount points of 0.60 percent. 15-year mortgage rates averaged 3.27 percent with discount points of 0.60 percent. This was an increase of four basis points, although discount points fell from 0.70 percent to 0.60 percent. The average rate for a 5/1 adjustable rate mortgage was 2.98 percent, a drop of two basis points, with discount points unchanged at 0.50 percent.

Fewer Jobless Claims, Service-Related Business Growth Exceeds Expectations 

The weekly Jobless Claims report brought a lower than expected reading of 289,000 new claims as compared to predictions of 305,000 new jobless claims. In other economic news, the Institute for Service Management (ISM) reported that its non-manufacturing index rose from June's reading of 56.00 percent to 58.70 percent in July. Analysts had forecasted July's reading at 56.50 percent. July's reading represented the highest growth rate for service-related businesses since 2005.

According to the Department of Commerce, June factory orders rose by 1.10 percent over May's reading of -0.60 percent against an expected reading of 0.60 percent. As business expands and factory orders increase, it's likely that jobs and hiring will also grow. Steady employment is a compelling factor for most home buyers and positive reports in labor and industrial sectors could boost housing markets as more buyers increase demand for homes.

What's Ahead

Next week's economic reports include retail sales, retail sales excluding automotive, industrial production and the weekly reports on mortgage rates and new jobless claims. While there isn't much housing news expected next week, readings in other economic sectors can suggest potential trends in housing markets