Friday, September 6, 2013

How To Create The Perfect Garage Workshop

Creating The Perfect Garage WorkshopMost men, and even handy women, dream of a perfectly organized work space where their tools are orderly and they can tackle that list of home DIY projects.

However, renovations can get put on hold because there's not a designated place to work. Tools are usually scattered throughout closets and the kitchen table serves as a workbench.

You can create a space for all of your improvement projects by turning a section of your garage into a construction-friendly, wonderfully organized haven for your tools and home makeover endeavors.

Below are easy steps to building the perfect garage workshop.

Make Sure You Have Adequate Space

Ideally, you'd still like to be able to get your cars in their designated space, so look for a vacant area at the back of the garage or along one side. If you're garage isn't quite large enough, then you might want to consider adding on to it or building an outdoor shed.

Create A Work Surface

For your work surface, you could repurpose old kitchen cabinets with a counter or build yourself a rough table using lumber from your local hardware store. Whatever you choose, make sure it's sturdy. Cabinets will provide storage for all of the nuts, bolts, paint and little tools you'll accumulate.

Clear A Wall

Whether this is above your workstation or alongside it, you'll want an open area to hang up and organize your tools, so that they don't clutter your surface. Put up a pegboard and create custom spaces with hooks.

There's a certain satisfaction that comes will seeing all your tools hanging with in reach — and a desire to fill it up.

Install Decent Lighting

You need to see what you're doing when working with power tools. High-intensity lights, such as halogens or LEDs are perfect for brightening up your space. Utilizing them in track lighting or on bendable gooseneck fixtures can help you adjust the light to exactly where you need it.

Don't let the thought of a home improvement project send you scurrying all over the house for tools. Take one weekend to follow these four steps and create a designated space for your garage workshop.

Everything will be in one place and it won't matter how long a project takes or how much of a mess you make!

For more tips on home maintenance contact your trusted mortgage professional today.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Reasons To Think Twice Before Paying Off Your Mortgage Too Quickly

Reasons to Think twice before paying off your mortgage too quicklyMost of the financial advice out there is focused on how you can pay off the mortgage on your home as quickly as possible, from making lump sum payments to switching to bi-weekly payments rather than monthly.

However, there are a few things that you might want to consider before you put all of your financial efforts into paying off your mortgage as quickly as possible.

Diversifying Your Investments

Of course, paying off your mortgage as fast as possible has a number of obvious advantages. You will be able to own your home a lot sooner and you will decrease the amount of interest you pay over the years. However, are you diversifying your assets?

Savvy investors know that they should decrease their risk by spreading their money into a number of different types of assets and investments so that they don't have "all their eggs in one basket."

If you have extra money and you want to invest it, you might want to make sure that you have a variety of investments including savings, stocks and bonds, rather than just investment in your home.

Liquid Assets

Another thing to consider is that having your money invested in your home means that it will not be a very liquid asset. If you needed the cash right away, you could have to sell your home or take out a home equity loan, which is a complex and time consuming process.

Before investing all of your money in your mortgage, consider creating an emergency fund as well so that you have some easily accessible money when you need it.

Earning More With Better Investments

Before investing all of your money in your mortgage, find out whether you would be able to earn more by investing it into other opportunities such as interest-bearing bonds. Sometimes stocks, bonds and mutual funds have better returns over time than the typical mortgage interest rates.

Perhaps paying off your mortgage as quickly as possible is the best option for you. However, make sure that you consider all of the factors before committing to this decision.

To find out more about mortgages and your home, contact trusted mortgage professional today.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Rounding Up Your Mortgage Payment, Will It Really Help?

Rounding Up Your Mortgage Payment, Will It Really Help?Paying off the mortgage on your home as quickly as possible will ensure that you pay less interest and save money in the long term. But how can you accelerate those payments so that you own your home sooner?

One simple and easy way that you can pay off your mortgage faster is to round up your mortgage payment to the nearest $100 interval. So, for example, if your mortgage payment is $756 per month, you can pay $800 instead.

Not only will this help you to pay off your mortgage sooner, but round numbers are also much easier to handle for simple calculations. You will be able to look at your bank account and easily subtract your mortgage payment in your head to get an idea of where your money stands.

Will This Really Make a Difference? 

By rounding up your mortgage payment, you won’t notice the difference in your day to day expenses but you will really notice the difference when it comes to the overall lifespan of your mortgage.

In your monthly budget, you will have already mentally allocated your mortgage payment as $800, so having that $44 less per month won’t make much difference and you can easily adjust. It is an amount that is small enough that you won’t “miss” it.

However, paying $44 extra per month will add up to $528 per year. That’s almost like making an extra payment every year. This extra money will go straight into the principal of the loan, which will make your interest payments go down every year faster and faster.

Over the years, this will compound and will mean that you actually end up reducing your mortgage term by a few years. The savings that you can enjoy over the total life of the loan can be in the thousands!

There are many other ways that you can pay down your mortgage faster, such as contributing a lump sum payment or switching to bi-weekly payments. However, it is interesting to know that just rounding up your payment can make such a significant difference!

For more information about the mortgage on your home, contact me. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

7 Tips On Getting A New Mortgage After Bankruptcy

7 Tips On Getting A Mortgage After BankruptcyYou have found your dream home and you are eager to get a mortgage, move into the property and start enjoying life there. However, there is only one problem standing in your way – the fact that you have been through some hard financial times in the past.

If you (or your partner) have been bankrupt previously, will this affect your chances of being able to buy the home you want?

The good news is that it is still possible to obtain a mortgage even if you have been bankrupt before.

Here are some tips that will help you to increase your chances of mortgage success:

  • Choose the right lender. Some lenders may not approve your new mortgage if a bankruptcy shows up on your credit history. However, there are some that do as long as you are able to prove that you have the income to make your payments.
  • If your bankruptcy was caused by factors that are beyond your control, it may be easier to get a new mortgage as opposed to a bankruptcy that was caused by poor money management. Explain the circumstances of your credit history to your mortgage loan officer.
  • When you are buying a home after bankruptcy, try to save up as much of a down payment as possible. Your lender may want to see a minimum of 10% as a down payment, but more is better.
  • Build up your credit again by always paying your credit card bills each month along with any other debt. The higher your credit score, the better chance you will have of being able to obtain a mortgage.
  • Avoid writing checks that you think might bounce, as this shows up poorly on your credit report as well. Any retirement plans or 401 K assets will make your credit look good, so if you can set these up it may help you to obtain a mortgage.
  • Don't switch jobs right before applying for the mortgage, the lender wants to be able to see that you have a reliable source of income and that you have been at the same line of work for a good amount of time.

Keeping these tips in mind will help you to obtain a mortgage even if you have been bankrupt before.

For more information about buying a home and securing your next mortgage please contact your trusted mortgage professional today.