Friday, June 17, 2011

Housing Starts Climb Unexpectedly In May

Housing Starts (2009-2011)The housing market received a jolt of good news Thursday. The Commerce Department reports that Single-Family Housing Starts improved in May.

As compared to April, last month's Single-Family Housing Starts rose 4 percent to a seasonally-adjusted, annualized rate of 419,000 units, a figure slightly better than the 6-month average and the highest tally since January.

A "housing start" is defined as a home on which new construction has started.

In addition, Building Permits saw a boost in May, too, climbing nearly 9 percent overall. Building Permits are a gauge of future construction activity with 89 percent of permits leading to new construction within 60 days.

For several reasons, the May data surprised Wall Street analysts. 

First, more homes being built suggests a healthier housing market, yet, earlier this week, the June homebuilder confidence report posted its lowest reading since September 2010.

Second, new home sales are only slightly higher than their all-time lowest annualized readings. Sales volume remains low in Plymouth and nationwide.

And, lastly, home prices have yet to recover in full. By adding additional inventory, builders may suppress price growth through the remaining portions of 2011.

For home buyers in Wisconsin , though, the Housing Starts data may be a signal that the market is turning. The data can be used to your advantage.

Home prices are a function of supply and demand and -- based on the Housing Starts data plus the number of newly-issued Building Permits -- home supply is likely to rise. Demand, on the other hand, despite low mortgage rates, may not. At least not in the short run.

As a buyer, you can use this information to your advantage. If you're looking to buy new construction, ask your real estate agent about the current new homes supply. There are bargains to be found and May's Housing Starts data should support low prices for at least the next few weeks.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mortgage Rates Surge On May Retail Sales Figures

Retail Sales historyThe jobs market is recovering slower than expected, and so is housing. But neither condition has slowed U.S. consumers.

According to the Census Bureau, Retail Sales rose for the 11th straight month in May. Excluding cars and auto parts, sales receipts climbed to $322 billion last month. It's an all-time high and another example of the U.S. economy's resiliency.

Wall Street didn't expect such results. As a result, mortgage rates worsened Tuesday.

By a lot.

The connection between Retail Sales and mortgage rates can be fairly tight in a recovering economy. Retail Sales accounts for almost half of all U.S. consumer spending, and nearly one-third of the economy overall. The May report, therefore, showed the economy may be on more solid footing than economists expect.

Plus, lately, as the economy goes, so go mortgage rates in Plymouth and nationwide. 

When the economy has shown signs of life, mortgage rates have increased. When the economy has shown signs of a slowdown, mortgage rates have dropped.

It's why mortgage markets reacted the way they did Tuesday; May's Retail Sales data was strong. The resultant surge in conforming mortgage rates -- from market open to market close -- turned into one of the year's fiercest, raising average mortgage rates well off their 7-month lows established earlier this week.

At today's rates, each 0.125 percent change in rates yields a payment difference of $7.50 per $100,000 borrowed. Yesterday, some product rates rose by as much as 0.250 percent. It put a dent in home affordability and household budgets.

With Retail Sales are up 8 percent from last year, therefore, and showing few signs of a slowdown, today may be a prudent date to lock a rate with your lender. As the economy continues to grow, rates are expected to rise.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Is This The Start Of A Refi Boom? Mortgage Rates Fall For 8 Straight Weeks.

Freddie Mac mortgage rates 2010-2011

Mortgage rates are falling, falling, falling.

On a wave of uncertainty about Greece and its debt; and weaker-than-expected economic data at home, conforming 30-year fixed rate mortgage rates have fallen to levels not seen since December 2, 2010.

Mortgage rates have dropped 8 weeks in a row. Not even last year's Refi Boom produced an 8-week winning streak. This season's streak is historic.

The 30-year fixed rate mortgage now averages 4.49% nationally, down 42 basis points, or 0.42%, since early-April. For every $100,000 borrowed, that equates to a monthly savings of $25.24.

Adjustable-rate mortgages have shed even more, giving back 50 basis points since the streak began.

Because of low rates, it's an excellent time to buy or refinance a home relative to just a few weeks ago. Note, though, that depending on where you live, you may find your quoted interest rates to be slightly higher or lower than what Freddie Mac reports in its survey. This is because the Freddie Mac figure is a national average.

Mortgage rates and fees vary by region:

  • Northeast : 4.49 with 0.6 points
  • Southeast : 4.52 with 0.8 points
  • North Central : 4.52 with 0.6 points
  • Southeast : 4.52 with 0.6 points
  • West : 4.45 with 0.8 points

You'll notice that, in the West Region, rates tend to be low and fees tend to be high; in the North Central Region, the opposite is true. You should expect Minnesota to have its own pricing norm within this region, too.

Is there a particular rate-and-fee setup that suits you best? The good news is that you can ask for it -- no matter where you live.

If having the absolute lowest mortgage rate is more important to you than having the absolute lowest fees, ask your loan officer to structure your loan in the "West" style. Or, if low costs are more your style, ask for them.

Mortgage rates appears as if they're headed lower but don't forget how quickly markets can change. Once they do, mortgage rates in Maple Grove should spike. Exploit today's market while you still can.

Monday, June 13, 2011

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : June 13, 2011

Housing Starts 2009-2011Mortgage markets moved in feverish fashion last week, changing with extreme frequency, and eventually ending slightly worse on the week. Conforming mortgage rates fell to a 6-month low Wednesday but, by Friday, they had retreated higher.

Last week marked just the second time in 8 weeks that rates in Minneapolis increased. During that span, Freddie Mac reports that mortgage rates have dropped 42 basis points, or 0.42%.

That equates to a monthly savings of $25.24 per $100,000 borrowed.

One reason why mortgage rates have been dropping is that the economy is growing more slowly than projected. In a speech last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke described the U.S. recovery as "frustratingly slow". In a separate speech, another Federal Reserve President, William Dudley, categorized the recovery as "subpar".

Economic weakness tends to promote a low mortgage rate environment as equity markets sell off and investors seek safety of principal. Indeed, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell for the 6th straight week, its longest losing streak since 2002

Mortgage rates were also helped by ongoing uncertainty in Greece. The nation remains at-risk for default, and that's spurring a bond market to flight-to-quality which benefits the U.S. mortgage market, too.

This week, mortgage rates may reverse their recent slide. There isn't much data due for release, but the numbers that will hit the wires have the ability to move markets -- especially the inflation-linked figures.

  • Tuesday : Producer Price Index, Retail Sales
  • Wednesday : Consumer Price Index
  • Thursday : Housing Starts
  • Friday : Consumer Sentiment

If you've been looking at mortgage rates for a purchase or refinance, now may be a good time to lock. FHA and conforming rates are at their lowest levels since December 2010.

Going forward, rates have much more room to rise than to fall.