Friday, November 26, 2010

Fed Minutes Help Push Mortgage Rates To 4-Month High

FOMC November 2010 MinutesThe Federal Reserve released its November 2-3, 2010 meeting minutes Tuesday afternoon. Mortgage rates in Wisconsin have been on the move since.

The Fed Minutes is a comprehensive review of Federal Open Market Committee meetings; a detailed look at the debates and discussions that shape our country's monetary policy. The report is published 3 weeks to-the-day after the FOMC adjourns.

Fed Minutes add depth to the briefer, more well-known "statement" to the markets which is issued upon adjournment. As a comparison:

If the Fed Statement is the executive summary, the Fed Minutes is the novel. And, the extra words matter.

When the Federal Reserve publishes its minutes, it gives clues about the groups next policy-making steps.  For example, in November's minutes, it's revealed that the Fed discussed setting inflation targets for the economy; holding occasional policy briefings for the press; and, working to set yields on instruments such as the 10-year Treasury note.

In addition, the Federal Reserve acknowledged a video conference hosted October 15, the second such "unannounced" meeting of the year.  The other was May 9, 2010.

Bond markets have not taken kindly to the Fed Minutes. The minutes show a propensity toward Fed "action", most of which markets believe to be inflationary. Inflation leads to higher mortgage rates and that's exactly what we've seen.

As compared to Tuesday morning, mortgage applicants in Maple Grove are finding conforming and FHA mortgage rates to be higher by as much as 0.375 percent. In "real life" terms, assuming a 30-year term, that's an extra $264 in annual mortgage payments per $100,000 borrowed.

If you're still rate shopping, consider getting locked today. As a result of the recent shift, mortgage rates are now at a 4-month high.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

October Existing Home Sales : Buyers And Sellers In Balance

Existing Home Supply (Oct 2009-2010)After two months of surging sales, home resales fell by 100,000 units last month to 4.4 million homes nationwide.

October's Existing Home Sales tally is slightly below the report's 6-month rolling average, according to the National Association of REALTORS® -- a time span which includes this year's $8,000 federal home buyer tax credit's tail end.

Housing statistics have been wildly inconsistent during that period.

For the future of Plymouth housing markets, though, it's encouraging that first-time and investment property buyers were both outnumbered by "move-up" buyers; buyers that have sold their respective homes in favor of larger ones. It's the move-up buyers that power housing.

In October, buyer profiles broke down as follows:

  • First-time buyers : 32 percent of all buyers, unchanged from September
  • Repeat home buyers : 49 percent of all buyers, down one tick from September
  • Investors : 19 percent of all buyers, up one tick from September

As a point of comparison, first-timers represented 50 percent of all purchases in October 2009.

For home buyers, October's Existing Home Sales report is neither weak nor strong. It signals that, with mortgage rates low and home affordability high, housing may be reaching some form of balance. Because -- although home sales are down -- home supplies are down, too.

We can infer that buyers outnumber sellers, but probably not by much. In most areas, negotiation leverage is still up for grabs.

At the current pace of sales, the complete housing stock would be depleted in 10.6 months.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Applying For A Mortgage Soon? Don't Open New Credit Cards On Black Friday.

FICO recipeBlack Friday is 3 days away. It's the official start of the 2010 Holiday Shopping Season.

Sales are expected to top $111 billion this year and, already, businesses are vying for shoppers and their dollars. Newspaper circulars are getting larger, and in-store discounting is more prevalent.

But one discount that shoppers should think twice about is the popular "Open A Charge Card, Save 20%" promotion. The short-term savings may be tempting, but the long-term costs may be huge.

It's because of how credit scores work.

According to, "new credit" accounts for 85 out of 850 possible credit scoring points, with new credit defined by such traits as:

  • Number of recently opened accounts
  • Number of recent credit inquiries
  • Time since recent credit inquiries
  • Proportion of new accounts to all accounts

These traits are negatives against a FICO score so with each new, in-store credit card application, a person's credit score will fall. The fall will be especially pronounced for persons lacking credit "depth", or who have made a disproportionately large number of new credit applications recently.

For soon-to-be homeowners, or would-be refinancers in Minneapolis , credit scores are worth keeping high. This is because credit scores change the mortgage rates and/or loan fees for which an applicant is eligible.

As an illustration, assuming 20% equity on a $200,000 conforming loan:

  • 740 FICO : No added loan costs
  • 720 FICO : 0.250% increase in loan costs, or $500
  • 700 FICO : 0.750% increase in loan costs, or $1,500
  • 680 FICO : 1.500% increase in loan costs, or $3,000
  • 660 FICO : 2.500% increase in loan costs, or $5,000


It's expensive to have a low credit score -- more expensive than the money saved by opening a card at the mall, anyway.

That said, if you know you won't need your credit for a mortgage within the next 6 months, the risk of applying for in-store credit cards is likely small. But if you'll need your FICO soon, consider paying for your gifts full price.

Monday, November 22, 2010

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : November 22, 2010

CPI Oct 2009-2010Mortgage markets worsened last week as the U.S. dollar gave up ground in currency markets, and inflation concerns mounted. In response to the events, conforming mortgage rates in Wisconsin rose for the third straight week.

Mortgage rates have now climbed by as much as half-percent since the start of the month, and Freddie Mac reports average loan fees to be higher, too.

The 7-month rally in rates may be nearing its end. The 30-year fixed rate mortgage is at a 4-month high after reaching an all-time low just 3 weeks ago.

The abrupt change in rates makes for an interesting study in expectations, and how they can influence a market.

Remember, inflation is bad for mortgage rates. Inflation devalues the dollar which, as a consequence, devalues repayments made to mortgage bond holders. As a result, when inflation is present, mortgage bonds tend to sell-off which causes mortgage rates to rise.

This is what's been happening these past 3 weeks. However, we're not in an inflationary environment. To the contrary:

  1. The Federal Reserve has said inflation is too low to be economically healthy
  2. Last week, the Cost of Living posted its lowest year-over-year gain in history

But mortgage rates are rising anyway. This is because global investors believe the Fed's most recent market intervention -- a $600 billion bond purchase program -- will later lead to inflation. Just on the expectation, markets are behaving like inflation is already here.

This week is holiday-shortened, and rates should remain volatile. There's a bevy of data including the Existing and New Home Sales reports, consumer confidence data, and the FOMC Minutes from the November 3 meeting.

If you haven't locked a mortgage rate, consider locking one today. Rates have farther to climb than the fall.