Friday, May 11, 2012

Mortgage Rates Make New All-Time Lows (Again)

Mortgage rates

Conforming mortgage rates continue to drop.

For the second straight week, the 30-year fixed rate mortgage fell to a new, all-time low nationwide. According to Freddie Mac's weekly mortgage rate survey, the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage rate dropped 1 basis point to 3.83% this week for borrowers willing to pay 0.7 discount points plus a full set of closing costs.

The 15-year fixed rate mortgage also set a mortgage rate record, registering 3.05% with an accompanying 0.7 discount plus closing costs.

Discount points are a one-time, up-front closing cost, based on loan size. 0.7 discount points is equal to 0.7% of the borrowed amount. A home buyer in Plymouth opening a $200,000 mortgage and paying 0.7 discount points, therefore, would be subject to a one-time $1,400 fee paid at closing.

Borrowers wanting to avoid paying discount points can expect higher mortgage rates than Freddie Mac's reported national average.

Falling mortgage rates are nothing new throughout Minnesota. Since peaking in February 2011, mortgage rates of all types have been in steady decline. The 30-year fixed rate mortgage has shed 122 basis points since that date, falling from 5.05%; the 15-year fixed rate mortgage has shed 124 basis points, falling from 4.29%.

Low mortgage rates give today's home buyers additional purchasing power, stretching home affordability to new heights.

Low rates also help existing homeowners to lower monthly mortgage payments. For example, as compared to mortgage rates just 15 months ago, homeowners refinancing into today's 30-year fixed rate mortgage stand to save 13.4 percent on their respective mortgage payments. 

A comparison :

  • February 2011 : $539.88 principal + interest per $100,000 borrowed
  • May 2012 : $467.67 principal + interest per $100,000 borrowed

A homeowner with a $300,000 mortgage at February 2011 30-year fixed rate mortgage rates would save $2,600 annually with a refinance to this week's low rates. Even accounting for discount points and closing costs, the "break-even point" on savings like that comes relatively quickly.

Mortgage rates can't be predicted so there's no guarantee of low rates forever. If today's rates meet your budget, consider locking something in. Speak with your loan officer about your options.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

8-Fold Increase In "Improving Markets" Since September

Improving Markets IndexThe economic recovery continues nationwide, but the recovery's an uneven one.

Some metropolitan areas are faring very well this year, posting measurable gains in both employment and housing. Other metropolitan areas, by contrast, are struggling.

To help identify those markets in which growth is occurring, the National Association of Homebuilders created the Improving Market Index, a metric analyzing three separate, independently-collected data series "indicative of improving economic health".

The IMI's three collected data series are :

  1. Employment Growth (as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  2. Home Price Growth (as published by Freddie Mac)
  3. Single-Family Housing Growth (as published by the Census Bureau)

A metropolitan area is considered to be "improving" if all three indicators show growth at least six months after the respective area's most recent trough, or "bottoming out".

In May, there are exactly 100 U.S. markets that qualify for the NAHB's Improving Market Index, down from 101 last month but higher by more than 800% from the reading in September 2011, the index's inaugural release.

17 areas were added to the Improving Market Index list this month including Phoenix, Arizona; Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Bend, Oregon. 18 areas were removed from the May IMI.

83 metropolitan areas remained from April.

There is little actionable information in the Improving Markets Index but the report does a good job of highlighting how "real estate markets" can't be summarized on a national level and remain relevant to everyday home buyers and sellers across Minnesota and nationwide. For example, Fort Collins, Colorado is listed as an Improving Market. However, Greeley, Colorado -- located just 30 miles away -- was just downgraded from the same list. 

Home values and economies vary by region, by state, by city, by neighborhood, and even by street.

The complete Improving Markets Index can be viewed at the NAHB website but for the best read of what's happening in your neighborhood, talk to a local real estate agent.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

With LIBOR Low, Don't Rush To Refinance Your ARM

Pending ARM Adjustment

Is your mortgage scheduled to adjust this season? You may want to let it. This year's ARM-holding homeowners in Minnesota are finding out that an adjusting mortgage may be the simplest way to get access to today's low mortgage rates -- without paying the closing costs.

Currently, conventional adjustable-rate mortgages are adjusting to near 3.00 percent.

If your home is financed via an adjustable-rate mortgage, you're likely cognizant of your loan's life-cycle. At first, your ARM's initial mortgage rate is agreed upon between you and your lender, a rate that both parties agree will remain in place from anywhere from one to 10 years, with periods of five and seven years being most common.

Then, after the initial "teaser rate" expires, the mortgage's mortgage rate adjusts according to a pre-determined formula -- one that's also agreed upon at closing. The loan is then subject to an identical mortgage rate adjustment every 12 months thereafter until the loan is paid in full.

The most common conforming mortgage adjustment formula is to add 2.25 percent to the then-current 12-month LIBOR rate.

Today's 12-month LIBOR is 1.05% so, as a real-life example, an adjustable-rate mortgage that's leaving its teaser rate period this week would adjust to 3.30%.

If you're a homeowner who took a 7-year ARM in 2005, or a 5-year ARM in 2007, your newly-adjusted mortgage rate should be roughly 2 percent lower than your initial teaser rate. On a $250,000 mortgage, a 2 percent mortgage rate reduction yields $298 in monthly savings.

Therefore, if you have an adjustable-rate mortgage that's due to reset, don't rush to refinance it. For at least one more year, you can benefit from low mortgage rates and low payments.

As for next year's adjustment, however, that's anyone's guess.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Reverse Mortgages : Pros And Cons

Despite several big-name banks pulling the product from their respective home loan offerings, reverse mortgages remain a popular mortgage choice among homeowners aged 62 or over.

A reverse mortgage is exactly what it sounds like -- a mortgage in reverse. Rather than borrow a fixed amount of money then pay that loan balance down to zero as with a "forward" mortgage, a reverse mortgage starts at a given loan balance and works its way up as scheduled payments are added to the existing loan balance.

This 4-minute piece from NBC's The Today Show highlights a few pros and cons of reverse mortgages, and the reasons why you may want to consider one, including :

  • No mortgage payments are ever due on your home
  • There is no credit check required for a reverse mortgage
  • There is no income requirement to qualify for a reverse mortgage

There are some basic qualification standards for the reverse mortgage program including a requirement that all borrowers on title must be 62 years of age or older; and that the subject property be a primary residence. Loan fees can also be higher than with a conventional-type mortgage.

If you meet the qualification standards, though, with a reverse mortgage, you have flexibility in how your home equity is distributed to you. You can receive a lump-sum payment, elect for monthly installments over time, create a line of credit, or a combination of all three. 

Like all mortgages, reverse mortgages are complex instruments. That's one reason why all reverse mortgage borrowers are required to attend counseling -- the government wants you to be certain that you understand the nuances of the reverse mortgage program.

Your lender will want you to understand the program, too.

Monday, May 7, 2012

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : May 7, 2012

Unemployment RateAfter two weeks of no change, mortgage markets improved last week, pushing mortgage rates lower throughout Minnesota.

The majority of the improvements occurred Friday after the April jobs report failed to impress Wall Street, and after it became clear that the Eurozone's struggles with sovereign debt would continue.

According to Freddie Mac, conforming 30-year fixed rate mortgage rates fell to 3.84% nationwide, on average, for borrowers willing to pay 0.8 discount points at closing plus a full set of closing costs. 

1 discount point is equal to 1 percent of your loan size such that one discount point on a $200,000 loan would require $2,000 to be paid at-closing.

Freddie Mac's reported rates for the benchmark 30-year fixed rate mortgage are the lowest in recorded history.

The 15-year fixed rate mortgage is also at its lowest point in history. According to Freddie Mac's survey, the 15-year fixed averaged 3.07% with 0.7 discount points last week. One year ago, the rate was 3.89%.

This week, with a data-sparse economic calendar, mortgage markets will likely take cues from events in Europe. Notably, France has elected a new leader, one that prefers growth over austerity; and voters in Greece have "punished" austerity-backing leaders, in the process creating a split parliament.

Each event adds uncertainty to an already unstable economic environment and uncertainty favors U.S. rate shoppers.

Doubt spurs investors to seek "safe" assets and U.S. government-backed bonds -- including mortgage backed bonds -- meet that criteria. As demand for mortgage bonds rise, mortgage rates tend to fall.

This week, rates are starting the week improved. Whether it's a knee-jerk reaction to Eurozone news from the weekend, or low rates are here to stay is tough to know. Therefore, if today's mortgage rates look good to you, consider locking something in. There's more room for rates to rise than to fall.