Friday, April 20, 2012

Existing Home Sales Slip In March

Existing Home Sales In March, for the second straight month, home resales slipped nationwide.

According to the National Association of REALTORS®, March 2012 Existing Home Sales fell to 4.48 million units on a seasonally-adjusted annualized basis -- a 3 percent drop from February.

An "existing home" is a home that's been previously occupied or owned.

The weaker-than-expected Existing Home Sales data is the third such housing report this month to suggest a lull in the spring housing market. Earlier this week, homebuilder confidence slipped for the first time in three months and March Single-Family Housing Starts fell, too.

The news wasn't entirely bad for home resales, however. Although total home units sold decreased, so did the number of homes available for sale. There were just 2.37 million homes for sale nationwide in March, a 2 percent drop from the month prior.

At the current pace of sales, therefore, the entire nation's home resale stock would "sell out" in 6.3 months. This is the second-fastest pace since the housing market's April 2007 peak.  

A 6-month supply is widely believed to represent a market in balance between buyers and sellers.

The March Existing Home Sales data shows that -- despite record-low mortgage rates nationwide -- buyer activity in Minneapolis is slowing, and seller activity may be slowing, too.

So long as the two forces remain in balance, home prices should do the same. This is the law of Supply and Demand at work. 

However, if home sales continue to slide and home inventory builds, buyers may find themselves with an edge in negotiations. 

If you're planning to buy a home in 2012, the long-term housing trend is still toward recovery. This season may be a good time to look at your options. Talk to your real estate agent to see what's available. Low mortgage rates may persist, but low home prices may not.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Nevada Relinquishes "Top Foreclosure State" Title

Foreclosures March 2012

According to foreclosure-tracking firm RealtyTrac, foreclosure filings fell to 199,000 in March 2012, a 17 percent decrease from March 2011. Last month marks the first time since July 2007 that foreclosure filings numbered less than 200,000 on a monthly basis -- a span of nearly 5 years.

The generic term "foreclosure filing" is used to group all types of foreclosure activity into a single reading. It includes default notices, scheduled auctions, and bank repossessions. 

As in most months, foreclosure density varied by region. 6 states accounted for more than half of the nation's repossessed homes in March.

  • Florida : 13.6 percent of all bank repossessions
  • California : 12.0 percent of all bank repossessions
  • Georgia : 8.0 percent of all bank repossessions
  • Michigan : 7.5 percent of all bank repossessions
  • Arizona : 6.5 percent of all bank repossessions
  • Illinois : 6.4 percent of all bank repossessions

At the other end of the spectrum, North Dakota and Washington, D.C. were home to the fewest bank repossessions, with 0.03% and 0.02% of the national total, respectively.

Also noteworthy is that the RealtyTrac report revealed that Nevada relinquished its title as Top Foreclosure State after 62 consecutive top-ranking months. In March, 1 in every 301 Nevada homes received some form of a foreclosure filing. The March rate was a nation-topping 1 in 300 in neighboring Arizona.

For Plymouth home buyers, today's foreclosure market represents an interesting opportunity. 

Homes purchased while in the various stages of foreclosure can often be bought at lower prices relative to homes not in foreclosure. It's one of the reasons why foreclosed homes now account for 20 percent of all home resales

However, don't confuse less expensive for less costly.

Foreclosed homes are often sold "as-is" and may be in various stages of disrepair. Fixing a foreclosed home to make it habitable could wipe out the money saved on its price tag. Your best real estate "deal", therefore, may be a non-distressed home in sound, move-in ready condition.

If you're buying foreclosures -- or even considering it -- be sure to talk with a real estate agent first. The process of buying a foreclosed property is different from buying a "regular" home. You'll want somebody experienced on your team.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Single-Family Housing Starts Slip 0.2% In March

Housing Starts Tuesday, the government released its March 2012 New Residential Construction report. 

The report is made up of three sections, each related to a phase of the "new home" market. The report's first part is Building Permits; the second is Housing Starts; the third is Housing Completions.

Of the three sections, it's Housing Starts that gets the most attention from the press -- mostly because, of the triad, it's the simplest for a layperson to understand. However, the manner in which Housing Starts data is reported can be misleading.

Today's newspapers offer up an excellent example.

According to the Census Bureau, total Housing Starts fell by 6% in March as compared to the month prior. 654,000 units were started on a seasonally-adjusted annualized basis.

For Housing Starts, it's the lowest reading in 5 months, a statistic suggesting that the housing market may have lost some momentum. Much of the press covered the story from a "housing is slowing" angle.

A few published headlines include : 

Although these headlines are accurate, they tell just half of the story.

Housing Starts did drop in March, but if we remove a subset of the data -- structures with "5 or more units"; a grouping that includes condominiums and apartment buildings -- we're left with Housing Starts for single-family residences only. It's this data that matters most to buyers in Minneapolis and nationwide. 

Few home buyers buy entire apartment buildings. Most buy single-family homes. 

In March, single-family Housing Starts were down 0.2% from the month prior, or just 1,000 units on a seasonally-adjusted, annualized basis.

That's hardly a drop at all.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Homebuilder Confidence Slips 3 Points In April

NAHB Housing Market IndexFor the first time in 3 months, homebuilder confidence has slipped. 

As measured by the National Association of Homebuilders, the Housing Market Index dropped three notches in April to a reading of 25. The report measures homebuilder confidence in the newly-built, single-family housing market. 

When the Housing Market Index reads 50 or better, it reflects favorable market conditions. Readings below 50 reflect unfavorable conditions.

According to the scale, not since April 2006 have housing market conditions have been deemed "favorable" but, recently, homebuilder confidence has picked up. Between September 2011 and March 2012, confidence doubled.

April's reading remains that second-highest since 2007.

So what does "builder confidence" mean? The formula is a little bit tricky.

The Housing Market Index is actually a composite figure. It's the combined result of three separate surveys sent to homebuilders monthly. The surveys ask about current single-family sales volume; projected single-family sales volume over the next 6 months; and current home buyer "foot traffic".

The NAHB compiles the results into the Housing Market Index.

In April, builder responses worsened on all 3 questions :

  • Current Single-Family Sales : 26 (-3 from March 2012)
  • Projected Single-Family Sales : 32 (-3 from March 2012)
  • Buyer Foot Traffic : 18 (-4 from March 2012)

At first glance, the data reveals a weakening market for newly-built homes and this may be true; we won't know for another few months whether April's confidence setback is an historical blip or the start of a trend. The change in builder psyche, though, is a change that today's new home buyers in Maple Grove can exploit.

Two months ago, builders expected 2012 to be a banner year for home sales. Today, they're not so sure.

Buyers of new construction, therefore, may find it easier to negotiate with builders for price reductions, "free upgrades", and/or other concessions. Plus, with mortgage rates still resting near historical lows, financing a newly-built home is cheaper than at any time in recorded history.

The Spring Buying Season is underway. For buyers of new construction, there are deals to be found.

Monday, April 16, 2012

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : April 16, 2012

Retail SalesMortgage markets improved last week as a global flight-to-quality continued. With Spain facing questions on its sovereign debt, investors continued to pare exposure to risky assets, sparking demand for the relative safety of U.S. government-backed mortgage-backed bonds.

As a result, conforming and FHA mortgage rates slipped for the third straight week last week. 

According to Freddie Mac's weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey, the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage available to borrowers in Minnesota is down to 3.88% nationwide with an accompanying 0.7 discount points plus "typical" closing costs.

Last week's reported 3.88 percent rate for the 30-year fixed rate mortgage is within one-tenth of one percent of the lowest, average mortgage rates in Freddie Mac survey history. However, the last time conforming rates were reported in this range, the accompanying, required discount points were higher than last week's 0.7.

Meanwhile, at 3.11% nationwide with 0.7 discount points plus closing costs, the 15-year fixed rate mortgage rate is equally low. It, too, set a record last week.

It's a good time to be looking for a mortgage in Plymouth. Rates and fees are great.

Last week, markets moved on momentum. This week, they'll move on data. The economic calendar is busy.

  • Monday : Retail Sales; Housing Market Index
  • Tuesday : Housing Starts
  • Thursday : Weekly Jobless Claims; Leading Indicators; Existing Home Sales

In addition, two Federal Reserve members offer prepared remarks Monday. They will be the last public Fed comments before next week's 2-day FOMC meeting.

Mortgage rates remain low. Consider calling or emailing your loan officer to learn more about your current financing options.