Friday, November 4, 2011

The Most Expensive ZIP Codes In The County (2011 Edition)

Most Expensive ZIP CodesIn the housing market, amenities and location have as much to do with a home's value as the everyday forces of supply-and-demand. Whereas the latter causes home values to rise and fall over time, the former creates a starting point for said values. 

Where you live -- and the features of your home -- determine your home's price range. Naturally, homes in some areas are consistently higher-valued than homes in others.

Using data compiled by real estate market data firm Altos Research, Forbes Magazine presents America's 10 most expensive ZIP codes. California and the New York Metro area dominate the list.

  1. Alpine, NJ (07620) : $4,550,000
  2. Atherton, CA (94027) : $4,295,000
  3. Sagaponack, NY (11962) : $3.595,000
  4. Hillsborough, CA (94010) : $3,499,000
  5. Beverly Hills, CA (90210) : $3,469,891
  6. New York, NY (10012) : $3,392,574
  7. New York, NY (10013) : $3,317,962
  8. Water Mill, NY (11976) : $3,300,000
  9. Montecito, CA (93108) : $3,099,348
  10. Old Westbury, NY (11568) : $3,095,000

In fact, of the top 50 most expensive ZIP codes, only 6 are located outside of California and New York regions. 3 are Colorado resort towns -- Snowmass (81654), Aspen (81611) and Telluride (81435) -- one is in Maryland, one is in Florida, and the last is in Washington State.

Chicago-suburb Kenilworth (60043) is the top-ranked Midwest ZIP code. It placed 86th overall.

The Forbes list may be interesting but, to home buyers or sellers in Maple Grove , it should not be the final word in home values. Real estate is a local market which means that -- even within a given ZIP code -- prices can vary based on street and neighborhood.

Look past general data and get specific. Talk to your real estate agent for local market pricing.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Simple Explanation Of The Federal Reserve Statement (November 2, 2011 Edition)

Putting the FOMC statement in plain EnglishWednesday, the Federal Open Market Committee voted to leave the Fed Funds Rate unchanged within its current target range of 0.000-0.250 percent.

The vote was nearly unanimous, with just one dissenting voter. There were 3 dissenters at each of the FOMC's last two meetings.

In its press release, the Federal Reserve presented an improved outlook for the U.S. economy, noting that since its last meeting in September, there's new evidence that the economy "strengthened somewhat" in the third quarter.

One example cited is that consumer and business spending continues to rise while inflationary pressures on the economy remain modest. This indicates controlled growth -- a plus in a recovering economy.   

The economy remains slowed by a number of factors, though, as noted by the Fed :

  1. "Continuing weakness" in the labor market
  2. Softness in commercial real estate
  3. A "depressed" housing market

In response to mixed economic conditions, the FOMC opted to "do nothing" today; it introduced no new monetary policy, and revised none of its existing market stimulus. The Fed re-iterated its plan to leave the Fed Funds Rate in its current range near 0.000 percent "at least until mid-2013″ and affirmed "Operation Twist" -- the program in which the Fed sells Treasury securities with a maturity of 3 years or less, and uses the proceeds to buy mortgage bonds with maturity between 6 and 30 years.

Mortgage market reaction to the FOMC statement has been negative this afternoon. Mortgage rates throughout Minnesota are rising because analysts expected the Fed to launch new, bigger stimulus plans. It didn't. Rates may drift higher for the new few days, too.

Therefore, it today's mortgage rates fit your household budget, consider locking in a mortgage rate. Mortgage rates are very low right now, relative to history. It may not last.

The FOMC's next meeting -- its last scheduled meeting of the year -- is December 13, 2011.

More Risk To Home Affordability : Friday's Jobs Report

Job growth since 2000

Within the next 48 hours, mortgage rates may get bouncy. The Federal Open Market Committee will adjourn from a 2-day meeting and October's Non-Farm Payrolls report is due for release.

Of the two market movers, it's the Non-Farm Payrolls report that may cause the most damage. Rate shoppers across Minnesota would do well to pay attention.

Published monthly, the "jobs report" provides sector-by-sector employment data from the month prior. It's a product of the Bureau of Labor Statistics and includes the national Unemployment Rate.

In September, the economy added 103,000 jobs, and job creation from the two months prior was shown to be higher by 99,000 jobs higher than originally reported. This was a huge improvement over the initial August release which showed zero new jobs created.

When September's jobs report was released, mortgage rates spiked. This is because of the correlation between jobs and the U.S. economy. There are a lot of economic "positives" when the U.S. workforce is growing.

  1. Consumer spending increases
  2. Governments start more projects
  3. Businesses make more investment

Each of these items leads to additional hiring, and the cycle continues.

Wall Street expects that 90,000 jobs were created in October 2011. If the actual number of jobs created exceeds this estimate, it will be considered a positive for the economy, and mortgage rates should climb as Wall Street dumps mortgage-backed bonds in favor of equities.

Conversely, if the number of new jobs falls short of 90,000, it will be considered a disappointment, and mortgage rates should rise.

There is a lot of risk in floating a mortgage rate today. The Federal Reserve could make a statement that drives rates higher, and Friday's job report could do the same. If you're under contract for a home or planning to refinance, eliminate your interest rate risk.

Lock your mortgage rate today.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Make Your Mortgage Rate Strategy : The Federal Reserve Starts A 2-Day Meeting

Comparing the Fed Funds Rate to Mortgage RatesThe Federal Open Market Committee begins a scheduled, 2-day meeting today, the seventh of its 8 scheduled meetings this year, and the eighth Fed meeting overall.

The FOMC is a 12-person sub-committee within the Federal Reserve. It's the group responsible for setting the nation's monetary policy and is led by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

The FOMC's most well-known role is as the steward of the Fed Funds Rate. This is the overnight rate at which U.S. banks borrow money from each other. The Fed Funds Rate is a unique, "banking" interest rate, and should not be confused with consumer interest rates, a category which includes "mortgage rates".

Mortgage rates are not set by the Federal Reserve. 

Rather, mortgage rates are based on the price of mortgage-backed bonds. If mortgage rates correlated to the FOMC's Fed Funds Rate, the chart at right would be linear.

That said, the FOMC does exert influence on mortgage markets.

After its FOMC meetings, the Federal Reserve issues a press release to the public. In it, the central banker summarizes economic conditions nationwide, highlighting threats to the economy and areas of strength.

When the Federal Reserve's statement is generally "positive", mortgage rates tend to rise. This is because a strengthening economy invites investors to assume more risk, spurring equity markets at the expense of all bonds types, including the mortgage-backed kind.

When bond markets lose, mortgage rates rise.

Conversely, when the Fed is generally negative, bond markets gain, pushing mortgage rates lower throughout Minnesota.

The Fed can also influence mortgage rates via new policy.

At its last meeting, the FOMC launched a new, $400-billion round of mortgage-market stimulus known as Operation Twist. The added mortgage-bond support led mortgage rates lower post-FOMC meeting. 

The Fed may expand Operation Twist as soon as Wednesday afternoon. It may also take no such steps at all. Unfortunately, there are few clues about what the Federal Reserve may do next, if anything at all. As a result, mortgage rates will be a moving target for the next 36 hours. First, they'll be volatile before of the Fed's statement. Then, they'll be volatile after the Fed's statement.

Even if the Fed does nothing, mortgage rates will change so your safest play is to lock a mortgage rate ahead of Wednesday's 2:15 PM ET adjournment.

There too much risk in floating.

Monday, October 31, 2011

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : October 31, 2011

Federal Reserve meeting this weekMortgage markets moved across a wide range last week before, ultimately, finishing unchanged. The bailout of Greece both dominated headlines and dictated market direction.

It was a wild ride for rate shoppers.

Early in the week, mortgage rates spiked. Eurozone leaders expressed optimism that a deal for Greece's solvency would be made, rhetoric to which Wall Street responded selling mortgage bonds.

When markets closed Wednesday, conforming mortgage rates in Minnesota were at their highest levels since September.

However, when markets opened Thursday, rates began to reverse lower. Investors deemed the details of the Greece fuzzy, and, once again, sought safety in the U.S. mortgage bond market.

As such, rates fell through Friday afternoon, closing the week precisely where they started.

This week's market action figures to be similarly busy. In addition to Friday's release of the October Non-Farm Payrolls data, the Federal Open Market Committee starts a 2-day meeting Tuesday.

It's the FOMC's 7th scheduled meeting of the year.

The FOMC is the Federal Reserve's monetary policy-setting group. It does not set mortgage rates for citizens of Plymouth , but it can exert an influence. For example, if the FOMC votes to increase the size of its Operation Twist, mortgage rates may respond favorably, causing rates to fall. 

Conversely, if the FOMC scales back the size of its program because of inflationary concerns or otherwise, mortgage rates should rise. 

The Federal Open Market Committee meeting ends at 2:15 PM ET Wednesday and mortgage rates are typically volatile in the hours surrounding the group's adjournment. If you're floating a mortgage rate or deciding whether to lock, keep this date and time in mind.