Friday, August 27, 2010

Home Affordability Rankings For 225 Metropolitan Statistical Areas

Home Affordability - Top and Bottom 5 markets 2010 Q2

With home prices holding firm and mortgage rates still dropping, home affordability is reaching new heights.

According to the quarterly Home Opportunity Index as published by the National Association of Home Builders, more than 72 percent of all new and existing homes sold between April-June 2010 were affordable to families earning the national median income.

It's a slightly higher reading as compared to last quarter, and the second highest reading in the survey's history.

As with all aspects of real estate, however, home affordability varies by locale. 

For example, 97.2% of homes sold in Syracuse were affordable for families making the area's median income, earning the New York city its first "Most Affordable Major City" designation.  Indianapolis was the first quarter winner.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the "Least Affordable Major City" title went to the New York-White Plains, NY-Wayne, NJ area for the 9th consecutive quarter.  Just 19.9% of homes are affordable to families earning the local median income, down 1 percent from last quarter.

The rankings for all 225 metro areas are viewable on the NAHB website but regardless of where you live, buying a home is as affordable as it's ever been in history. Furthermore, because home values are in recovery and mortgage rates may rise, the market is ripe for home buyers.

All things equal, buying a home may never be this inexpensive again. If you were planning to purchase later this year, you may want to move up your time frame.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Home Sales Drop In July -- Just Like Existing Home Sales

New Home Supply July 2009 - July 2010One day after the National Association of Realtors released the softest Existing Home Sales report since 1995, the U.S. Census Bureau released a similarly-weak New Home Sales report.

Americans bought just 276,000 newly-built homes in July. That marks the fewest units sold since the government started keeping records in 1963.

In addition, although new home inventory actually dropped 2,000 units in July, the slowing sales pace still managed to push the national supply higher by 1.1 months.  At July's rate of sales, the nation's new home inventory would be exhausted in just about 9 months.

None of this news should surprise you, though. It's all been foreshadowed for weeks.

First, Single-Family Housing Starts have dropped in every month since April.  A "housing start" is a when a home starts construction and, because fewer homes are under construction, we should expect fewer homes to be sold.

Second, Building Permits are down.  The number of new permits peaked in March and have fallen 23 percent since.

And, lastly, home builder confidence ranks at its lowest levels since early-2009. A contributing factor in that pessimism is dwindling buyer foot traffic.

Regardless, there's two sides to the story. Although the New Home Sales data looks bad for builders, it can be terrific  for you. This is because new homes are more likely to be discounted when the sales cycle favors buyers.

Coupled with ultra-low mortgage rates, the cost of buying a newly-built home in Maple Grove may have just become cheaper.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Existing Home Sales Plummet In July; Home Buyers Gain Leverage

Existing Home Sales July 2009 - July 2010The number of home resales plunged by 1.4 million units in July, according to the National Association of Realtors®' Existing Home Sales report.

It's a drop of 27 percent from June; single-family home resales are at the report's lowest levels since May 1999.

Furthermore, because of the sharp drop in sales volume, home inventories are spiking.

Homes for sale nationwide fell just short of 4 million units in July and, at the current sales paces, it would take 12.5 months for the existing inventory to be absorbed.

Home supply was just 8.9 months in June.

For home sellers in Plymouth , the Existing Home Sales report is a bit of bad news.  Fewer sales and larger inventories put negotiation leverage in the hands of the buyers which, in turn, creates downward pressure on home prices.  It may also increase time-on-market.

For home buyers, however, the data is decidedly welcome. After a stimulus-driven spring buying season that favored sellers, the summer and early-fall market seem to favor buyers. More choices and more leverage is a positive.

It helps that home affordability is up, too. 

Although there's reports that home values are rising, their modest gains are more than countered by the ongoing rally in mortgage rates. Freddie Mac says that 30-year fixed rate mortgage rates are at their lowest levels in history and, at today's rates, every one-eighth drop in mortgage rates roughly offsets a 1.5% increase to home price.

Mortgage rates are down 0.75 percent since mid-April.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bank Mortgage Lending Policies Appear To be Easing

Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending PracticesThe tightening in mortgage-lending policies that characterized the last 3 years appears to be slowing.

According to the Federal Reserve's quarterly survey of senior bank loan officers, roughly 1 in 10 lenders added mortgage qualification hurdles between April and June. It's a huge departure from just 2 years ago when the mortgage industry was facing its first wave of challenges. 

During that period, eight in 10 lenders added hurdles.

For mortgage applicants in Maple Grove , this quarter's Fed survey results signals that mortgage lending may have reached its limits of restriction.

Since 2007, mortgage guidelines have become increasingly restrictive. There's extra scrutiny on assets and tax returns; employment history is given more weight; loan purpose matters.  There's a bevy of traits that can stand between you and an approval that didn't exist a few years ago.

That said, lots of homeowners are still getting loans.


Verifiable income, good credit scores and equity are the "magic formula" and banks want to lend to good credit risks. And the best news for those that qualify is that mortgage rates are fantastic right now.

According to Freddie Mac, mortgage rates are as low as they've been in history.

So, if you're among the many wondering if now is the right time to buy a home -- or refinance one -- remember that, although mortgage guidelines likely won't get worse, mortgage rates probably will.

Monday, August 23, 2010

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : August 23, 2010

Refi Boom stretches household dollarsMortgage markets stalled last week in back-and-forth trading as Wall Street grappled with weak housing data, falling builder confidence, and worsening jobs numbers nationwide.

Because markets were volatile, rate shopping was challenging.

Conforming mortgage rates did managed to make a new all-time low last Thursday but quickly gave up those gains. Most of Friday afternoon was spent in the red and, as a result, for the second straight week, mortgage rates failed to fall overall.

But, although last week's action puts a damper on this summer's mortgage rate rally, the Refi Boom is still going strong.

According to Freddie Mac, as compared to April 8 when mortgage rates touched their recent high-point, pricing is hugely improved across 3 popular loan products.

  • 30-year fixed : Then, 5.21%; Now, 4.42%
  • 15-year fixed : Then, 4.52%; Now, 3.90%
  • 5-year ARM : Then, 4.25%; Now, 3.56%

As an example of potential savings, a homeowner in Wisconsin with a $250,000 30-year fixed rate mortgage would save $96 per month at today's rates as compared to April's. 

Over the life of a loan, that's a savings of $34,560.

This week, it's unlikely that the Refi Boom will meet its end, but that doesn't mean you should wait for rates to fall further. Mortgage rates tend to change quickly and without notice, and should rates rise, you may find that you've missed the market bottom.

If today's rates appeal to your finances and budget, consider locking something in and moving forward.