Friday, January 14, 2011

Retail Sales Weak In December; Home Affordability Gets A Boost

Retail Sales (2009-2010)Consumers keep spending, the economy keeps growing.

Mortgage rates are easing lower this morning on just-released, slightly worse-than-expected Retail Sales data from December 2010.

Excluding motor vehicles and auto parts, December's sales receipts were $1.5 billion higher from November. Analysts had expected a number north of $2 billion.

Despite falling short of estimates, however, December's reading is the highest in Retail Sales history, surpassing the previous record set in July 2008, set during the recession. In addition, December's strong numbers helped 2010's year-over-year numbers go positive for the first time in 3 years.

Although the data is a mixed bag for Wall Street, home affordability in Plymouth is improving today.

The link between Retail Sales and home affordability may not be up-front obvious, but in a post-recession economy like ours, it's often tight. Retail Sales is another name for "consumer spending" and consumer spending makes up more that 70% of the U.S. economy.

As spending grows, the economy tends to, too.

Investors recognize this and start chasing "risk". It becomes a boost for the stock market, but those gains are made at the expense of "safe" asset classes which include mortgage-backed bonds. Mortgage-backed bonds are the basis for conforming and FHA mortgage rates so, as bond markets sell off, asset prices fall and rates move up.

Thankfully, rate shoppers will avoid that scenario today -- at least for today. December's Retail Sales results are a factor in the bond market's early-day improvement. Conforming and FHA mortgage rates across the state of Wisconsin should be lower today.

Despite the good news, if you're shopping for a mortgage, consider locking your rate as soon as possible. Mortgage rates are coming off a 2-week rally and look poised to reverse appear -- especially with a full docket of data due for next week. As mortgage rates rise, purchasing power falls.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Foreclosure Activity Falls For The Second Straight Month, Drops To 30-Month Low

Foreclosure concentration December 2010According to foreclosure-tracking firm RealtyTrac, the number of foreclosure filings nationwide dropped for the second straight month in December. After falling 21 percent in November, filings were down by an additional 2 percent in December.

"Foreclosure filing" is a catch-all term, comprising default notices, scheduled auctions, and bank repossessions.

Like most months, a small number of states dominated December's national foreclosure figures. 6 states accounted for more than 50 percent of all bank repossessions.

  1. California : 17% of all repossessions
  2. Florida : 11% of all repossessions
  3. Arizona : 6% of all repossessions
  4. Michigan : 6% of all repossessions
  5. Texas : 6% of all repossessions
  6. Nevada : 4% of all repossessions

December's foreclosure filings fell to its lowest levels since June 2008, but we can't read into the report too much just yet. Foreclosure volume continue to be dampened by lawsuits and moratoriums related to controversy surrounding the so-called robo-signers.

Foreclosure activity may have lessened in December anyway, but we can't know for certain. 

Distressed properties are in high demand among home buyers, accounting for one-third of all home sales; typically sold at a steep, 15 percent discount as compared to non-distressed properties.

Buying foreclosures can be a terrific "deal".

That said, buying a foreclosed home is different from buying a non-foreclosed home. Specifically, because you're buying from a bank and not a person, contracts may vary from what's "customary" and negotiations may be drawn-out.

It's one reason why buyers in Plymouth  -- first-timers and investors alike -- should talk with a real estate agent before writing an offer for a foreclosed property. You can learn a lot from the internet, but when it comes time to actually purchase a home, you'll want an experienced professional on your side.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Comparing Mortgage Rates For Adjustable- And Fixed-Rate Mortgages

Comparing FRM to ARM mortgage rates (January 2010 - January 2011)

For some homeowners, electing to take an adjustable rate mortgage over a fixed rate one can be matter of budgeting. ARMs tend to carry lower mortgage rates and, therefore, lower monthly mortgage payment as compared to a comparable fixed rate loan.

Relative to fixed rate mortgages, current ARM pricing is excellent. Freddie Mac's weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey puts the 5-year ARM mortgage rate lower than the 30-year fixed rate mortgage rate by 1.02 percent.

On a $250,000 home loan, a 1.02 differential yields a payment savings of $149 per month.

ARMs are not for everyone, of course. Over time their rates can change and that can frighten people. An ARM can finish its respective 30-year lifespan with a mortgage rate as much as 6 percentage points higher from where it started. Some homeowners won't like this.

Other homeowners, however, won't mind it. For this group,  the ARM can be a terrific fit. Especially with the huge, relative discount in today's pricing.

A few scenarios that should warrant consideration of a 5-year ARM include homeowners that are:

  1. Buying a new home with the intent to sell within 5 years
  2. Currently financed with a 30-year fixed mortgage with plans to sell within 5 years
  3. Interested in low payments; comfortable with longer-term rate and payment uncertainty

In addition, homeowners with existing ARMs due for adjustment may want to refinance into a new ARM, if only to push the first adjustment date farther into the future.

Before choosing to go with an ARM, speak with your loan officer about how adjustable rate mortgages work, and their near- and long-term risks. Payment savings may be tempting, but with an ARM, payments are permanent.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How To Renegotiate Your Credit Card Interest Rates To Something Lower

Credit card debt, left unchecked, can pile up quickly. Especially for debtors making minimum payments.  

According to the Federal Reserve, a credit card balance of $5,000 at 23.99 percent APR won't pay off for 16,127 years. That's one reason why it's important to manage your credit card rates, and renegotiate them whenever possible.

In this 4-minute piece from NBC's The Today Show, you'll learn the tested tactics that can cut a credit card rate, and get monthly payments to a more manageable range. And it's do-it-yourself -- no debt management firms required.

Some of the tips in the video include:

  • Compare your current rate to the rate offered to new customers. Ask the lender for "new customer rate" if it's lower.
  • If your credit score has improved since application, ask for an interest rate more reflective of your current credit score.
  • Be nice to the customer service representative. Kindness helps.

Managing debt is an important part of household budgeting so if you're finding your credit card payments and/or rates too high for your liking, try following the instructions as described in the video. And, above all else, be persistent. The credit card companies won't likely approve your first request. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : January 10, 2011

Unemployment Rate (2008 - 2010)Mortgage markets gained last week as a combination of safe-haven buying and an improving economic outlook attracted new buyers. Demand for mortgage-backed bonds outweighed supply and conforming and FHA mortgage rates edged lower.

Last week marked the second straight week that mortgage rates fell in and around Minnesota. Rates had risen over the previous 7 weeks.

According to Freddie Mac's weekly mortgage rate survey, the national average rate for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage is 4.77 percent with an accompanying 0.8 points required.

This week, with no new data due for release, look for last week's two biggest stories -- jobs and debt -- to carry forward. The first such story relates to jobs.

Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its monthly Non-Farm Payrolls report. Consensus estimates were for 150,000 net new jobs created December, with "whisper numbers" pegging the number as high as 250,000. Mortgage rates increased on the chance that the rumors were right. 

It turned out, they were not.

Accounting for revisions to past months' data, December's jobs data was in-line with expectations, resulting in a mortgage rate retreat that lasted all day Friday. That momentum should carry forward into the early part of this week.

The second story is tied to safe-haven buying.

The U.S. mortgage market benefited from growing concerns within the Eurozone that Portugal could default on its debt. The story emerged three weeks ago when Portugal's debt was downgraded. It picked up steam last week after a weak debt offering. It's a similar beginning to what transpired in Greece last spring.

Mindful of their respective risk, worldwide investors chose to shift risk toward safer asset classes which includes, of couse, mortgage-backed bonds. This week, those risks will remain and the flight to quality assets should continue. Mortgage rates will benefit.

Given the likelihood that mortgage rates will fall this week, it may be tempting to let your mortgage rate float. That strategy could prove foolish.

Mortgage rates fell to historic lows in 2010 and sprung higher at the first possible opportunity. Rates remain at ultra-low levels and have lots of room to rise. This week, consider buying on the dip. It may be the last chance you get.