Friday, November 2, 2012

How Choosing Kitchen Colors Can Affect Your Eating Habits

Kitchen colors influence eating habitsHave you ever walked into your kitchen and instantly felt hungry?

Rarely do people think about the colors that they choose to paint their kitchens. They are often too busy worrying about whether the kitchen will match the rest of the home, or whether the colors will be satisfactory to the rest of the household.

However, when painting and decorating your kitchen, you may want to think about the process in a way many people do not -- how the colors you choose will affect the way in which you eat. As behavioral psychologists have documented, the presence of specific colors your the kitchen can change your eating habits and your cravings for food.

Here are some examples :

  • The color red increases your appetite. This is why so many restaurants paint their walls red. Although associated with romance and passion, red is also a color which promotes hunger. Furthermore, it has been noted that the color red in your kitchen can influence high blood pressure.
  • The color blue is calming, which can slow your eating speed, and prevent you from over-eating. When decorating your kitchen and dining room, therefore, using blue wallpaper or blue paint; and blue placemats, for example, can result in "slower" eating and fewer feelings of fullness.
  • The color orange is a "stimulating" color; increasing oxygen supply to the brain and providing a mental boost. An orange-themed kitchen may stimulate your appetite, therefore, and make over-eating more likely.

Then, there is gray. Gray can be an ideal appetite-suppressing color for your kitchen. This is because, psychologically, gray is calming and relaxing, and it neutralizes anxiety. Gray can arrest binge eating and impulsive snacking. It's also a color which home stagers recommend for its neutrality.

Whether you're a home buyer in Plymouth , a home seller, or just getting ready to remodel, consider the influence of colors in your home. They do more than just "match the next room" -- they affect your food and drink cravings as well.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Find A Mortgage Rate Strategy Ahead Of Friday's Job Report

Unemployment RateFriday morning, the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics will release its Non-Farm Payrolls report, more commonly called the "jobs report".

Depending on how the jobs data reads, FHA and conforming mortgage rates may rise, or fall. This is because today’s mortgage market is closely tied to the U.S. economy, and the U.S. economy is closely tied to job growth.

Economists expect that employers have added 125,000 net new jobs to their payrolls in October 2012, up from September's tally of 114,000 net new jobs. Jobs have been added to the economy over 24 consecutive months leading into Friday's release, and approximately 4.7 million jobs have been created in the private sector since early-2010.

So, what does this mean for home buyers and refinancing households throughout Maple Grove ? It means that mortgage rates may get volatile beginning tomorrow morning.

Improving jobs numbers tend to push mortgage rates up, as it signals to investors that the U.S. economy is strengthening. If the actual jobs reports shows more than 125,000 net new jobs created, therefore, look for mortgage rates to rise.

Conversely, a weaker-than-expected report injects fear into the market, causing investors to purchase safer assets including U.S. Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed bonds. This moves mortgage rates lower.

Markets will also watch for the monthly Unemployment Rate. After falling to a 4-year low of 7.8 percent in September, economists anticipate that October's unemployment rate will rise 0.1 percentage point to 7.9%.  

The good news for rate shoppers is that mortgage rates remain low. Freddie Mac's weekly mortgage rate survey puts the 30-year fixed rate mortgage below 3.50% nationwide for borrowers willing to pay 0.7 discount points. Furthermore, a forecast from the Mortgage Bankers Association predicts that the 30-year fixed rate will remain below 4% for at least the next 8 months and low mortgage rates help to keep home payments low.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases the jobs report at 8:30 AM ET Friday.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

19 of 20 Case-Shiller Index Markets Improve In August

Case-Shiller Index : Home Prices Between July and August 2012

Home value rose to close out the summer, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller Index, a national home-valuation tracker.

Nationwide, values rose 0.9% between July and August 2012 with 19 of 20 tracked markets showing improvement. Only one tracked city -- Seattle, Washington -- showed a decrease, falling just 0.1 percent.

On an annual basis, 17 of the 20 Case-Shiller Index markets improved, led by Phoenix. Home values in the Arizona city are up 18.8 percent from August 2011. The next closest city in terms of home price gains is Detroit, Michigan at 7.6 percent

We should temper our excitement for the August Case-Shiller Index, however. Although it suggests an ongoing U.S. housing recovery, the methodology of the Case-Shiller Index is far-from-perfect. In fact, one could argue that the index is more effective for policy-makers than for actual buyers and sellers of real estate.

There are three reasons for this :

  1. The Case-Shiller Index tracks home prices of single-family homes only. Multi-unit homes are excluded.
  2. The Case-Shiller Index can be distorted by "discounted" home sales (e.g.; foreclosure, short sale).
  3. The Case-Shiller Index publishes on a two-month delay -- data is hardly current.

Beyond the above three points, however, the Case-Shiller Index falls short in another area -- it ignores the basic tenet of housing that "all real estate is local". In using 20 cities to represent the entire United States, the Case-Shiller Index reduces more than 3,100 municipalities into a single "market".

Even within its 20 tracked cities, the Case-Shiller Index fails short as a housing market barometer. This is because -- even with cities -- home values vary. Some Plymouth zip codes perform better than others, for example, as do some streets. The Case-Shiller Index can't capture markets with that level of detail.

National housing data helps in spotting broader trends of growth but provides very little for today's active buyers and sellers of real estate who need "real-time" data. For that, talk to a local real estate agent.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pending Home Sales Index Suggests Housing Momentum Into 2013

Pending Home Sales Index 09-2012The home resales is expected to finish the year with strength.

Last month, for the fifth straight month, the Pending Home Sales Index hovered near its benchmark value of 100, registering 99.5 in September.

he Pending Home Sales Index tracks homes under contract to sell, but not yet sold, and is published by the National Association of REALTORS®. The index is a relative one. It compares today's housing market activity to the housing market activity of 2001 -- the index's first year of existence.

The Pending Home Sales Index has averaged 99.1 this year.

Among housing market indicators, the Pending Home Sales Index is unique. It doesn't report on prior market activity as the Existing Home Sales and New Home Sales reports do. By contrast, the Pending Home Sales Index is a forward-looking indicator.

The real estate trade association tell us that 80% of U.S. homes under contract go to closing within 60 days, and many of the rest go within Months 3 and 4. In this way, the monthly Pending Home Sales Index can foreshadow to today's Maple Grove home buyers and sellers what's next for housing.

Based on September's Pending Home Sales Index, then, we should expect to see closed home sales stay strong through November and December. That said, home sales are expected to vary by region.

Here is how the Pending Home Sales Index broke down by area last month as compared to one year ago on a seasonally-adjusted, annualized basis :

  • Northeast Region : +26.1% from September 2011
  • Midwest Region : +19.3% from September 2011
  • South Region : +17.6% from September 2011
  • West Region : +0.8% from September 2011

Often, the last few months of a year are considered to be a "slow" period for the housing market. Based on regional, annual Pending Home Sales Index improvements, though, 2012 may be different. The market looks poised to finish with momentum that may carry home prices higher into 2013.

For today's home buyers, mortgage rates remain low and home prices have only started to climb.

Monday, October 29, 2012

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : October 29, 2012

The jobs report puts the economy is focusMortgage markets ended the week slightly better last week. Wall Street took its cues from U.S. economic data, from developments in Europe, and from the Federal Reserve, moving mortgage rates lower in Minnesota and nationwide.

Pricing for both conforming and FHA mortgage rates improved between Monday and Friday, with the majority of gains occurring late in the week.

The timing of the gains explains why Freddie Mac's weekly mortgage rate report showed the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage rate rising this week when, in fact, it did not. Because Freddie Mac conducts its mortgage rate survey at the start of the week, its survey respondents had no time to acknowledge late-week improvements.

Freddie Mac said the 30-year fixed rate mortgage rate rose to 3.41% for home buyers and refinancing households willing to pay 0.7 discount points at closing plus a full set of closing costs. 

Mortgage applicants choosing zero-point mortgages should expect a higher rate.

The biggest event of last week was the Federal Open Market Committee's seventh scheduled meeting of the year. The FOMC's post-meeting press release described the U.S. economy as growing, and inflation as stable. The Fed re-iterated its pledge to QE3, a stimulus program geared at keeping mortgage rates suppressed. The group also said it would hold the Fed Funds Rate low until at least mid-2015.

Lastly, the Fed showed optimism about the broader U.S. housing market -- and for good reason. Since October 2011, housing has trended higher and last week saw the release of the September New Homes Sales report and the September Pending Home Sales Index. Both showed strength.

This week, the market's biggest story is Friday's release of the October Non-Farm Payrolls report. Jobs are a keystone in the U.S. economic recovery so the monthly jobs report holds sway over mortgage rates. If the number of jobs created exceeds Wall Street expectations, mortgage rates in Minneapolis will rise and purchasing power will shrink.

The U.S. economy has added jobs in each of the previous 24 months.