Friday, March 26, 2010

The Home Price Index Shows Home Values Lower Broadly, But Not Specifically

Home Price Index April 2007 to January 2010

Home values fell again in January, according to the Federal Home Finance Agency's Home Price Index. Values were reported down 0.6 percent, on average.

We say "on average" because the Home Price Index is a national report. It doesn't capture the essence of a local market , or even a city market like Plymouth.

The most granular that the monthly Home Price Index gets is regional and January's report shows that:

  • Values in the Mountain states rose 2.0%
  • Values in the Pacific states were flat
  • Values in the East North Central states fell 1.8%

It's hardly helpful for home buyers entering the market, or home sellers trying to properly price a home.  Furthermore, because the Home Price Index reports on a 2-month delay, its data fails to reflect the current market conditions.

Versus January -- the period from which HPI data is collected -- mortgage rates are lower, buyer activity is up, and the federal home buyer tax credit is closer to expiring.  These each can have an impact on housing.

Ultimately, national real estate data like the Home Price Index is best suited for lenders and policy-makers.  National data helps to identify trends that shape formal policy, but it doesn't help you, specifically. 

Since peaking in April 2007, the Home Price Index is off 13.2 percent.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Average Household Will Get $2,800 In Tax Refunds. Will You?

April 15 is Tax Day and the IRS estimates that the average U.S. household will receive a $2,800 tax refund this year.  If you're among the Americans expecting a refund, this 4-minute piece from NBC's The Today Show may be helpful. It's a talk about how to receive a refund and what to do with it.

Some of the key points discussed include:

  1. Why state-issued tax refunds may be delayed this year
  2. How wage-earning people can claim their "Making Work Pay" tax credit of up to $800
  3. How to direct a tax refund to a 529 college savings plan for an even bigger tax refund

There's also some sensible pointers on using tax refunds to pay down credit card debt, and to fund retirement plans, among other purposes.

If you haven't started your tax planning yet, try to avoid leaving it for the last weekend.  Not only will your tax preparer have more time for you now, but you'll leave yourself more time to track down important statements and receipts that can boost your federal and state tax deductions.

Taxes are due in 21 days.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Existing Home Sales Flatten And Point To A Much Better Spring

Existing Home Sales Feb 2008-Feb 2010As expected, Existing Home Sales fell in February, slipping 30,000 units versus January's numbers. It's the 4th straight month in which Existing Home Sales were lower, month-over-month.

An "existing" home is one that is previously owned and lived-in (i.e. not new construction).

Existing Home Sales peaked in November 2009, just as the First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit was set to expire. Immediately thereafter, according to the National Association of Realtors®, monthly sales plunged 17 percent in December, then another 7 percent in January.

Comparatively, February's dip is a modest 0.6 percent and is more in line with the pre-tax-credit Existing Home Sales trend.  The real estate market is rediscovering its normal. 

But "normal" may not last for long.

When the federal home buyer's tax program was extended last year, the new rules stated that home buyers must be under contract for their new, respective homes on, or before, April 30, 2010 in order to claim up to $8,000 in federal money.  That deadline is approaching and many markets -- Maple Grove included -- are experiencing a surge in buyer traffic as April 30 nears.

The Existing Home Sales data doesn't reflect this new demand, nor the number of new contracts written. It only accounts for home closings and, in February, closings were down.

For today's buyers, the market looks favorable. The federal tax credit is in place, mortgage rates stubbornly stick near all-time lows, and home prices are staying in check.

Existing Home Sales should gain through March and April, pressuring home prices higher. And, by the time the press reports the gains, the best deals in the city may already be gone.  Consider acting sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Predicts The Best And Worst Real Estate Markets For 2010

Real estate is recently published its 2010 forecast and projections for home prices in the country's largest metro markets. 

Listed as "Top 25" and also comprehensively by state,'s home price forecasts puts Santa Rosa, California at the top of 2010's home appreciation list and Hanford, California at its bottom.

The 10 cities projected for highest home appreciation in 2010 are:

  1. Santa Rosa, CA : +6.0%
  2. Cheyenne, WY : +4.7%
  3. Kennewick, WA : +4.6%
  4. Merced, CA : +4.4%
  5. Bremerton, WA : +4.2%
  6. Fairbanks, AK : +4.2%
  7. Corvallis, OR : +4.1%
  8. Tacoma, WA : +3.9%
  9. Anchorage, AK : +3.8%
  10. Bend, OR : +3.3%

The Pacific Northwest is the region most heavily-represented among price gainers. The Southeast and Middle Atlantic are most represented on the under-perform list.

However, just because a city's homes are expected to appreciate (or depreciate) in 2010, that doesn't mean that every home within its limits will follow suit.  Real estate cannot be grouped on a city level like tries to. There will always be areas in demand within city limits in which prices rise, just as there will be out-of-demand areas in which prices fall.

Real estate data can't be grouped by city or even by ZIP code, really.

Real estate in Minneapolis is more local than that.

When we say "real estate is local",  it means that every street in every town has a distinct set of traits that drives its home values. Homes that are one block closer to the train; or, homes that are facing north; or, homes that are made of brick. Each of these characteristics can affect a home's desirability which, in turn, can affects its sales price.

National surveys can't capture "essence" like this. They only report on the aggregate.

For local real estate data, look to established, publicly available websites and to active, local real estate agents.  Both will have data and insight that can help you.  National surveys often make for good headlines, but do little to help homebuyers find good value.

Monday, March 22, 2010

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : March 22, 2010

Fed Funds Rate (Feb 2007 - March 2010)Mortgage markets closed unchanged last week, but that's not say mortgage rates were calm. Monday through Wednesday, rates improved steadily before a swift, late-week sell-off unwound the gains.

Mortgage rates have been very low for a very long time -- against the expectations of most market experts.  The speed of the Thursday-Friday reversal may signal that markets are preparing for change.

One key story from last week was the Federal Open Market Committee's scheduled Tuesday meeting. Upon adjournment, the Fed voted 9-1 to hold the Fed Funds rate in its current target range near 0.000% and reiterated its plan to keep rates low for "an extended period of time". 

Kansas Fed President Thomas Hoenig was the lone dissenting vote.

For rate shoppers in Minnesota , take note. 

The Fed specifically mentioned that the its $1.25 trillion mortgage buyback program will end, as planned, March 31, 2010.  This could force rates higher over the next two weeks because, according to the Fed, the existence of a buyback program forced rates lower by 1 percentage point in 2009.

When the program ends, it's expected that markets will give back some of that 1 percent, leading to higher mortgage rates for conventional and FHA borrowers.

This week, in addition to the buyback program's looming end-date, there's several other potential influences on mortgage rates:

  1. The Existing Home Sales data for February is released Tuesday, along with the Home Price Index
  2. The New Home Sales data for February is released Wednesday
  3. Consumer Confidence data hits Friday

Strength in any -- or all three -- of these reports should put pressure on mortgage rates to rise.

But there's one wildcard this week and that's the aforementioned Kansas Fed President Hoenig's scheduled speech Wednesday morning. Typically, Fed members stay on message when making public appearances, but Hoenig is expected to talk about why rates should be higher, and what the Fed needs to do to prepare the economy for late-2010 and beyond.

His words could lead Wall Street to rethink its position on the mortgage bond market and that could cause rates to spike Wednesday afternoon.

Mortgage rates remain volatile and are still relatively low. If you're unsure of whether now is a good time to lock in, consider that there's a lot more room for rates to rise than to fall right now. Especially with momentum shifting for the worse.