Friday, July 29, 2011

Pending Home Sales Rise For 3rd Straight Month

Pending Home Sales 2009-2011Buyers are writing contracts at a furious pace nationwide.

On a seasonally-adjusted basis, the Pending Home Sales Index rose 2 percent last month to reach its highest level since March.

A "pending home sale" is a home under contract to sell, but not yet closed. 

The forward-looking Pending Home Sales Index is up 11 percent from its low of the year, according to the National Association of REALTORS®, and well ahead of its rolling 6-month average.

Unfortunately, national data isn't always helpful for buyers and sellers in Plymouth and nationwide. To help make data more relevant, therefore, the official Pending Home Sales Index report includes a region-by-region breakdown

Between May and June 2011, results were mixed:

  • Northeast Region: -0.4%
  • Midwest Region : -3.7%
  • South Region : +4.4%
  • West Region : +6.4%

However, even the value of regional data may be dubious.

The West Region, for example, which showed big gains in June, is comprised of multiple states containing thousands of cities and towns. Some of those areas outperformed the region, and some of them underperformed. The Pending Home Sales Index doesn't show which towns did which. It can't.

For everyday buyers and sellers , it's the local data that matters.

The Pending Home Sales Index shows that more contracts were written in June than in April or May -- a good sign for housing overall. And because 80% of all contracts close within 60 days, we can expect the summer's home resale activity to be high.

This leads home prices higher.

With mortgage rates low and home sales spiking, now may be the best time to buy a home in 2011. Home prices appear to be rising and mortgage rates should, too.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

16 of 20 Case-Shiller Cities Show Improvement In May

Case-Shiller Index May 2011

Standard & Poors released its May 2011 Case-Shiller Index this week. The index measures change in home prices from month-to-month, and year-to-year, in select U.S. cities.

May's Case-Shiller Index showed a 1 percent increase from April 2011. Home values rose in 16 of the Case-Shiller Index's 20 tracked markets. Only Detroit, Las Vegas and Tampa fell. Phoenix was flat.

Don't look too far into the findings, though. Like the FHFA's Home Price Index, the Case-Shiller Index is rife with flaws.

The first flaw of the Case-Shiller Index is its limited geography. Despite being positioned as a national housing index, Case-Schiller Index is sourced from just 20 cities nationwide. There are more than 3,100 municipalities nationwide.

The Case Shiller Index's second flaw is that it ignores all home types excepts for single-family, detached homes in its findings. Condominiums, multi-family homes, and new construction are not included in the Case-Shiller Index.

In some markets, these excluded home types outnumber the included ones.

Furthermore, the Case-Shiller Index is flawed in that it takes 60 days to release.

The Case-Schiller Index reports on a housing market from 2 months ago -- hardly helpful for today's buyers and sellers in Maple Grove , trying to make sense of today's real estate market data. 

When you want real-time housing market data, therefore, look past the Case-Shiller Index and talk to a real estate professional instead. It's where you'll get your best, most relevant information.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Home Supplies Keep Shrinking; Prices Pressured Higher

New Home Supply 2010-2011Home builders are slowly reducing inventory.

According to Census Bureau data, the number of new homes slid 1 percent from May. On a seasonally-adjusted, annualized basis, home buyers bought 312,000 newly-built homes last month.

It's the third straight month of falling sales and the headline data casts the Plymouth housing market in a negative light.

Upon closer inspection, however, the numbers appear quite strong. 

First, sales are down marginally. Total units sold have dropped just 2 percent from the highs of the year. And, second, the number of newly-built homes for sale is down markedly from last year

There are 22% fewer new homes for sale today as compared to June 2010

At today's sales pace, the complete new home inventory would be sold in 6.3 months -- the quickest sell-out window since the expiration of the 2010 federal home buyer tax credit.

Builders are feeling better about their business, too.

After falling to a 9-month low, homebuilder confidence rebounded this month, boosted by expectations for a strong fall season. For buyers across Minnesota , this could be seen as a market-shifting signal.

When builder confidence rises, negotiating for upgrades and price reductions can be tougher; "good deals" get scarce.

If you're a home buyer and are considering new construction, don't let the headlines fool you. Sales figures are slipping, but that's because there are fewer homes are for sale nationwide. The inventory is shrinking and that can push home prices higher.

With mortgage rates still low, today's market may be your best value of the year.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Is An FHA Mortgage Better Than A Conforming One?

FHA vs Conforming Mortgage Rates 2005-2011

The FHA is insuring a greater percentage of loans than during any time in recent history. In 2006, it insured roughly 5 percent of the purchase mortgage market. Today, it insures one-quarter. "Going FHA" is more common than ever before -- but is it better?

The answer -- like most things in mortgage -- depends on your circumstance.

Like its conforming counterpart, an FHA-insured mortgage is available as a fixed-rate loan and as an adjustable-rate one. Payments are made monthly and come without prepayment penalties.

That's where the similarities end, however, and decision-making begins. For homeowners and buyers across Maple Grove , FHA mortgages carry a different set rules as compared to conforming loans through Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac that can render them more -- or less -- attractive for financing.

For example:

  • FHA mortgages can be assumed by a subsequent buyer. Conforming loans may not.
  • FHA mortgages require mortgage insurance, regardless of downpayment. Conforming loans do not.
  • FHA mortgages do not have loan-level pricing adjustment. Conforming loans do.

FHA mortgages also require smaller downpayment requirements versus a comparable conforming mortgage. FHA calls for a minimum downpayment of 3.5%. Conforming mortgages often require 5 percent or more.

And, lastly, FHA mortgages are priced differently from conforming ones. Since 2005, the average FHA mortgage rate has been below the average conforming mortgage rate more than 50% of the time, meaning that an FHA mortgage's principal + interest payment is lower than a comparable Fannie/Freddie loan.

Today, conforming mortgage rates are lower.

So, which is better -- FHA loans or conforming ones? Like most things in mortgage, it depends. FHA-insured loans can be big money-savers or money-wasters. To find out which is best for you, ask your loan officer for today's market interest rates and study the results.

With less than 20% equity, the answer is often clear.

Monday, July 25, 2011

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : July 25, 2011

Congress debates the debt ceilingMortgage markets worsened last week as the Greek sovereign debt situation came closer to final resolution, and as the U.S. housing market showed signs of life.

After many weeks, European leaders agreed on a financial package for Greece that featured favorable loan terms designed to slow Eurozone contagion, along with a built-in, 37 billion euro "haircut" for private-sector investors.

The accord pleased Wall Street. Equities rallied after the announcement. Mortgage bonds sank.

Bonds also sank after a strong home builder confidence report Monday. 

Last week, conforming and FHA fixed mortgage rates increased in Minnesota and for the first time in 3 weeks. Adjustable-rate mortgages slipped slightly.

The interest rate spread between the Freddie Mac 30-year fixed rate and 5-year ARM is back near its all-time high.

This week, mortgage rates will be guided by Congress's on-going U.S. debt ceiling debate. The United States government is expected reach its legal $14.294 trillion debt limit August 2, 2011. Congress must either vote to raise the debt ceiling, or take steps to reduce debt prior to August 2.

The debt ceiling was last raised February 12, 2010.

It's unclear in which direction Congress will vote. Therefore, mortgage rates may be erratic until a deal is reached. If the debt limit is raised, expect mortgage rates to rise. This is because carrying high levels of debt can devalue the U.S. dollar and mortgage bonds are less valuable as the dollar weakens.

On the other hand, if Congress votes to make cuts in the budget, mortgage rates should fall. This is because fewer treasury securities will be issued, creating fewer inflationary pressures on the U.S. economy. Inflation is linked to higher mortgage rates.

Also this week : New Home Sales (Tuesday), Pending Home Sales (Thursday), Consumer Sentiment (Friday), plus Treasury auctions of 2-year, 5-year and 7-year notes. Each event can move mortgage rates so be ready to lock at a moment's notice. 

Mortgage rates remain low. By August 2, they could be much higher.