Friday, May 14, 2010

Your Mortgage Approval Isn't Final Until It's Funded

Approval not final until fundedA mortgage approval is never final until it's funded.

A host of things can "go wrong" while your home loan is underway. Some are in your control, many more are not.  And just being aware of some potential pitfalls could help save your loan down the road, and your peace of mind today.

MSN Money ran a summary piece on the topic titled "10 Things That Can Kill A Home Loan".

It's an excellent article because, unlike most "get approved" articles that advise against things like buying a car before closing, or opening a bunch of new credit cards, the MSN Money piece addresses more uncommon factors that can lead to a similar loan turndown.

For example, a home may be unfundable if it's unsuitable for human habitation -- a condition you may not discover until after a thorough home inspection's been made. Broken windows, lack of plumbing, and/or major foundation damage are all deal-breakers with a lender. 

Either fix the home prior to closing, or don't close at all.

Homes in "declining markets" have danger spots, too. Especially for conforming mortgage applicants with less than 20% equity.

Because of how private mortgage insurers operate, some homes carry tougher, ZIP code-based PMI eligibility requirements. As a mortgage applicant, it's important to understand this because you may be PMI-eligible in one neighborhood, but not in another.

There's others ways in which a mortgage approval can go bad, too:

  • You're self-employed and your income was lower last year versus the year prior
  • Your tax return shows large amounts of unreimbursed employee expenses
  • You failed to return required paperwork to the lender within a reasonable time frame

Mortgage approvals are delicate and, despite an improving economy, lenders still operate with caution. Talk with your real estate agent and your loan officer and put together a game plan.

The best way to beat the mortgage system is to know the rules before you start to play.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Foreclosure Activity Slows For The First Time In Several Years

Foreclosure concentration, by state (April 2010)The national foreclosure rate is finally falling.

According to foreclosure-tracking firm, the number of foreclosure notices dropped 2 percent between April 2009 and April 2010.

2 percent may not seem like much, but it's the first time in the history of the RealtyTrac report that the annual foreclosure rate has dropped.

To be sure, foreclosure rates remain elevated -- more than 300,000 were reported last month, but default notices appear to be approaching a plateau.

The RealtyTrac report shows some other interesting statistics, too:

  • 6 states accounted for more than half of April's bank repossessions nationwide
  • For the 40th month in a row, Nevada topped the nation's foreclosure rate
  • Foreclosure rates dropped in both California and Arizona, 2 foreclosure hot-spots through 2009

The good news for housing doesn't stop there.  9 of the top 10 leading metropolitan areas for foreclosure-related activity showed a drop in annual activity.  Only Reno, Nevada showed an increase.

Buying distressed homes is big business, according to the National Association of Realtors®, accounting for 35 percent of all home resales with a typical discount ranging near 15 percent on value.

But with the discount comes some caution. You need to know how buying a foreclosed can be different from buying a non-foreclosed home.

For example, distressed properties are often sold as-is and may have defects that render them "un-lendable".  Secondly, "quick closings" aren't usually possible with bank-owned homes -- you're often at the bank's schedule and mercy.

And, lastly, not all foreclosed homes are searchable online. You'll usually find more stock if you work with a real estate agent versus searching online.

The RealtyTrac foreclosure report is thorough and can help you gauge what's happening on a state-by-state level, and in the nation's largest metropolitan areas.  Once you've done your research, talk to your real estate agent about what to do next.

There's still good deals in the foreclosure market — you just have to know where to find them.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Relocate America's Top 100 Places To Live (2010 Edition)

Relocate America Top 100 Places To LiveRelocate America recently released its 2010 list of Top 100 Places To Live In America. The rankings are topped by some cities you may expect, and some you may not.

According to Relocate America, the rankings highlight communities "moving in the right direction", defined as having a combination of strong leadership, job opportunities, improving real estate markets, recreational options and a good quality of life.

It's not a bad formula and topping the list of Top 100 Places To Live In America is Huntsville, Alabama.  Huntsville was chosen for its low levels of unemployment, stable housing stock, and low cost of living.  Last year, Huntsville placed fifth on the Relocate America list.

The Top 10 cities in which to live, as selected by Relocate America are:

  1. Huntsville, AL
  2. Washington, DC
  3. Austin, TX
  4. San Diego, CA
  5. San Antonio, TX
  6. Tulsa, OK
  7. Charlotte, NC
  8. Raleigh, NC
  9. Boulder, CO
  10. Minneapolis, MN

View the complete Top 100 Places To Live In America 2010 list at the Relocate America website.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shopping For Mortgage Rates Is Part Research Skills, Part Luck

Good luck charms and mortgage ratesShopping multiple lenders for a "good mortgage rate" can sometimes save you 1/8 percent on your rate and/or a few hundred dollars in fees. However, when it comes to getting the best mortgage rate, you're going to more than good research skills.

You're going to need some luck.

Mortgage rates for people in Wisconsin or anywhere else, for that matter, are unpredictable, ever-changing, and rarely change as expected.

For example, when the Federal Reserve left the mortgage market March 31, 2010, analysts said that mortgage rates would rise by a half-percent or more. It was practically stated as fact on TV.  When April 1 came around, though, rates didn't rise.

Instead, a volcano erupted and mortgage rates dropped on safe haven buying.

Then, a week later, as  the volcano ash cleared, mortgage rates were supposed to resume their rise. Only they didn't. Instead, a debt crisis emerged in the Eurozone and mortgage rates dropped.

Since March 31, conforming mortgage rates are lower by roughly 0.125 percent, according to Freddie Mac's weekly mortgage rate survey.  At today's rates, the savings are roughly $20 per month per $200,000 borrowed -- or $100 per month based on their original, post-March 31 forecast.

It brings us to one of the most important axioms in rate shopping: You can't shop for good luck.

  • On some days, rates go higher
  • On some days, rates go lower
  • On some days, rates stay the same

Occasionally, there are days when rates do all three.

As a home buyer or would-be refinancer, what rate you get depends on at what time of day you do your shopping.

You can't predict what will happen next in mortgage markets -- even just an hour from now. Therefore, the smartest move, sometimes, is just lock your rate now.  At least that way, you've got a guarantee.

Monday, May 10, 2010

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : May 10, 2010

Non-Farm Payrolls May 2008-April 2010Mortgage markets improved to their best levels of 2010 last week, aided by events half a world away and ongoing safe haven buying.  Greece's debt problems continue to help mortgage rate shoppers in Minneapolis and around the country.

Conventional mortgage rates dropped last week, ARMs falling more than fixed. FHA mortgage rates also improved.

Global concern for the Greece Situation are so strong that markets even shrugged off April's blowout job report. On most other days, mortgage rates would soar on better-than-expected jobs data -- especially coming out of a recession.

The Department of Labor's April Non-Farm Payrolls reports:

  • Payrolls have been net positive for 4 straight months
  • Nearly 600,000 jobs have been created thus far in 2010
  • Monthly job growth posted its biggest gain in 4 years in April

Additionally, more than 800,000 Americans re-entered the workforce in April in search of work.  As a result, the Unemployment Rate jumped by 0.2 percent -- another positive sign (in a roundabout way).

But again, Wall Street wasn't watching jobs -- Wall Street was watching Greece. And Greece was in riot.

This week, without much new data due on the economy, mortgage markets should continue to take cues from Greece, the IMF and the Eurozone.  If a bailout agreement can be reached that investors feel is effective, the safe haven buying that's led rates lower will recede and mortgage rates should rise.

Conversely, if an agreement is reached that investors deem ineffective, or no agreement is reached at all, mortgage rates should drop.

Each week for the last four weeks, we've talked about Greece and its pending bailout and how it might impact rates because each week the bailout appears imminent.  Even this week, the market opens with the news that the IMF has approved a $40 billion lifeline to Greece.  Maybe this will be the news that finally turns the mortgage market around.

Mortgage rates are unnaturally low right now and should change direction quickly. The problem is nobody knows when that will happen so be careful when rate shopping and keep an eye on the market.

Mortgage rates may fall further, but when they turn higher, they're going to turn quickly.