Friday, December 30, 2011

Pending Home Sales Index Rises Back Above 100

Pending Home Sales IndexLow home prices and mortgage rates have combined to push home affordability to record levels nationwide. Home buyers are taking advantage.

The Pending Home Sales Index rose 7 percent in November to rise to its highest level since April 2010, the last month of last year's home buyer tax credit program. 

The Pending Home Sales Index is published monthly by the National Association of REALTORS®. It measures homes under contract nationwide, but not yet "sold". 

In this way, the Pending Home Sales Index is different from other housing market indicators. It's a "forward-looking" figure; a predictor of future home sales. According to the National Association of REALTORS®, more than 80% of homes under contract close within 60 days. 

By contrast, housing data such as the Existing Home Sales report and the New Home Sales report "look back".

November marks the second straight month of Pending Home Sales Index improvement. The housing market metric made big gains of 10 percent in October 2011, as well.

On a regional basis, each part of the country showed an increase in homes under contract.

  • Northeast Region: +8.1 percent from October 2011
  • Midwest Region : +3.3 percent from October 2011 
  • South Region : +4.3 percent from October 2011
  • West Region : +14.9 percent from October 2011

However, here in Plymouth, we must discount the value of even the regional data, somewhat. Like else in real estate, the volume of homes going under contract vary by locality.

Throughout the West Region, for example, the region in which pending home sales increased the most from October, there are nearly a dozen states. Undoubtedly, some of those states performed better than others in terms of "homes under contract", but we don't have an indication of which states those were.

In addition, within each state, every city, town, and neighborhood realized its own unique market in November, and produced its own sales statistics.

For buyers and sellers throughout Minnesota and the country, therefore, it's more important to watch data on a local level than on a national one. Reports like the Pending Home Sales Index are helpful in showing national trends, but as an individual, what you need are local trends.

For local real estate data, be sure to ask your agent.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nationally, Home Prices Off 18.3 Percent From April 2007 Peak

Home Price Index since April 2007 peakThe government confirms what the private-sector Case-Shiller Index reported yesterday. Nationwide, average home values slipped in October.

The Federal Home Finance Agency's Home Price Index shows home values down 0.2% on a monthly, seasonally-adjusted basis. October marks just the second time since April that home values fell month-over-month.

The Case-Shiller Index 20-City Composite showed values down 0.7 percent from September to October.

As a home buyer in Plymouth , it's easy to look at these numbers and think housing markets are down. Ultimately, that may prove true. However, before we take the FHFA's October Home Price Index at face value, we have to consider the report's flaws.

There are three of them -- and they're glaring. As we address them, it becomes clear that the Home Price Index -- like the Case-Shiller Index -- is of little use to everyday buyers and sellers.

First, the FHFA Home Price Index only tracks home values for homes backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac mortgages. This means that homes backed by the FHA, for example, are specifically not computed in the monthly Home Price Index.

In 2007, this was not as big of an issue as it is today. in 2007, the FHA insured just 4 percent of the housing market. Today, the FHA is estimated to have more than one-third of the overall housing market.

This means that one-third of all home sales are excluded from the HPI -- a huge exclusion.

Second, the FHFA Home Price Index excludes new home sales and cash purchases, accounting for home resales backed by mortgages only. New home sales is a growing part of the market, and cash sales topped 29 percent in October 2011.

Third, the Home Price Index is on a 60-day delay. The above report is for homes that closed in October. It's nearly January now. Market momentum is different now. Existing Home Sales and New Home Sales have been rising; homebuilder confidence is up; Housing Starts are showing strength. In addition, the Pending Home Sales Index points to a strong year-end.

The Home Price Index doesn't capture this news. It's reporting on expired market conditions instead.

For local, up-to-the-minute housing market data, skip past the national data. You'll get better, more relevant facts from a local real estate agent.

Since peaking in April 2007, the FHFA's Home Price Index is off 18.3 percent.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Home Sales Approach Bull Market Territory

New Home Supply 2010-2011New home inventory is approaching bull market territory.

According to the Census Bureau, the number of new homes sold rose 2 percent in November. On a seasonally-adjusted, annualized basis, home buyers bought 315,000 newly-built homes last month.

November's New Home Sales data marks the 4th straight month of rising sales volume, lifting the housing-market metric to a 7-month high, and adding to the housing market's recent show of strength. 

Last week, we learned that Existing Home Sales also climbed in November.

The big story in the New Home Sales report, though, is the remaining new home supply nationwide.

With just 158,000 homes "on the market" and the pace of home sales hastening, the complete, national inventory of "new homes" would now be sold in just 6.0 months, a 0.2-month improvement from October. This is the quickest home sales pace in nearly 6 years for the new construction market. 

It's even faster than in April 2010 -- the buyer-deadline month of last year's federal home buyer tax credit.

Home builders expect the trend to continue, too. Buyer foot traffic is on the rise and builders have a strong outlook for the next 6 months.

It's an unsettling series of developments for today's Minneapolis home buyers. As home supplies drop and builders gain confidence, the ability of an buyer to negotiate for price reduction and/or upgrades shrinks.

If you're a home buyer in search of new construction, therefore, consider that the best new construction "deals" of the next 12 months may be the ones you find today.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : December 27, 2011

Existing home sales Mortgage markets worsened last week on renewed optimism from the Eurozone, additional evidence of a U.S. economic recovery, and ongoing strength in housing.

The action sparked a stock market rally at the expense of mortgage bonds, sending conforming and FHA mortgage rates meaningfully higher for the first time in more than 2 months.

Markets closed early Friday and remained closed Monday. When they re-open today, conforming mortgage rates will already have bounced off last week's new, all-time lows.

As reported by Freddie Mac's weekly mortgage rate survey, the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage fell to 3.91 percent nationwide, with an accompanying 0.7 discount points plus closing costs. 1 discount point is equal to 1 percent of your loan size such that 1 discount point on a $100,000 loan is equal to $1,000.

It's not just the conventional 30-year fixed that made new lows last week, either. All of Freddie Mac's reported rates fell to new, all-time lows.

  • 30-year fixed : 3.91% with 0.7 discount points
  • 15-year fixed : 3.21% with 0.8 discount points
  • 5-year ARM : 2.85% with 0.6 discount points

These rates are no longer valid, however. FHA mortgage rates rose slightly last week, too.

This week, mortgage rates will be more volatile than usual. There isn't much economic data on which to trade, and it's a holiday-shortened week (again). Look for geopolitics and momentum to nudge markets forward, therefore -- a potentially bad combination for today's rate shoppers. There is very little room for mortgage rates to fall, but lots of room for them to rise.

If the stock market rallies to close 2011, mortgage rates will rise right on with it.

For now, rates remain historically low. If you've been shopping for a mortgage -- waiting for rates to fall -- this last week of the year may be your last chance at sub-4 percent, fixed-rate mortgage rates. Don't wait too long or you might miss it.

It's a good time to execute on a rate lock.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Pay Your Mortgage Early, Boost Your 2011 Federal Income Tax Deductions

Increase your 2011 tax deductionsTime is running out to boost to your 2011 federal tax refund. All you have to do is make your January 2012 mortgage payment while it's still December.

It's a simple tax strategy that works because of how mortgage interest is paid, and of how the U.S. tax code is written.

Different from rent which is paid for the month ahead (i.e. "you're paying January's rent"), mortgage payments are made only after mortgage interest has accrued (i.e. "you're paying for money you've already borrowed from the bank").

This is called "paying interest in arrears" and U.S. tax code states that the mortgage interest is tax-deductible in its year paid, subject to limitations.

By making the January 2012 mortgage payment in December 2011, therefore, homeowners who itemize their on their tax returns can apply their January mortgage payment's interest portion to their 2011's tax returns.

The alternative is to pay the mortgage on schedule, and wait for April 15, 2013 to claim the credit.

If you choose to pre-pay your mortgage and typically send your payment via USPS, give your check ample time to be delivered to your lender, and processed. Mail your check no later than Saturday, December 24.

For Maple Grove homeowners that pay electronically, the process is simpler. Edit your online bill pay program to have your mortgage payment post no later than Thursday, December 29.

Make note, however. Not all mortgage interest is eligible for tax-deductibility, and not all homeowners throughout the state of Minnesota who pay mortgage interest should itemize said interest on their tax returns.

Before prepaying on your mortgage, ask your tax professional for advice.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Home Supplies Fall To 7.0 Months Nationwide; Buyer Demand Strong

Existing Home Supply 2010-2011

Home resales moved to a 10-month high in November, the latest in a series of strong showings from the housing sector.

According to the National Association of REALTORS®, November's Existing Home Sales rose to a seasonally-adjusted, annualized 4.42 million units nationwide --  a 4 percent climb from October 2011.

An "existing home" is a home that has been previously occupied and cannot be categorized as new construction.

Home buyers and sellers throughout Maple Grove should take note of November's numbers because -- behind the headlines -- there's a series of statistics that foretell higher home prices ahead.

First, the total number of homes for sale nationwide dipped to 2.58 million, an 18% reduction from November 2010 and represents the fewest number of homes for sale since February 2007. 

At the current sales pace, the complete home resale inventory would be sold in 7.0 months.

And, second, the real estate trade group reports that 33% of all homes under contract "failed" for some reason last month.

Contract failures can occur because of mortgage denials in underwriting; home inspection issues; and homes appraising for less than their respective purchase prices.

In other words, despite a reduction in the number of homes for sale, and a rash of failed contracts, Existing Home Sales volume is still on the rise.

Broken-down by buyer-type, here's to whom home sellers were selling in November :

  • First-time buyers : 35% of home resales, up from 34% in October 2011
  • Repeat buyers : 46% of home resales, down from 48% in October 2011
  • Investor buyers : 19% of home resales, up from 18% in October 2011

Given high demand for home resales and shrinking home supplies, we should expect that home prices will rise through December 2011 and into early-2012, at least. Recent Housing Starts data supports this notion. 

Thankfully, mortgage rates remain low. Low mortgage rates help keep homes affordable.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Housing Starts Show Strength In Housing

Housing Starts 2007-2011

The new construction housing market continues to show strength across the country.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Single-Family Housing Starts rose to 447,000 units on a seasonally-adjusted, annualized basis in November -- a 2 percent increase from October.

A "Housing Start" is defined as breaking ground on new home construction.

November's figures mark the third straight month of Single-Family Housing Starts gains. The new construction metric is now 15 percent above its all-time low, set in February of this year.

None of this should be a surprise to new home buyers in Maple Grove.

Housing data has been trending better since September with sales volumes rising and home inventories falling. Basic economics tells us that home prices should soon rise.

The good news is that low mortgage rates should keep homes affordable.

Since mid-November, the average, conventional 30-year fixed rate mortgage has hovered near 4.000% nationwide with an accompanying 0.7 discount points plus closing costs. 1 discount point equals one percent of your loan size. This is down from near 4.500% six months ago, and the drop has made a big impact on home affordability. 

  • June 2011 : $200,000 mortgage costs $1,013.37 per month
  • December 2011 : $200,000 mortgage costs $954.83 per month

This represents $700 in savings per year. It's no wonder home builders report the highest buyer foot traffic in 3 years

Meanwhile, the market shows little signs of slowing down. Building Permits are on the rise, too.

Permits for single-family homes rose to their highest levels of year in November and 89 percent of those homes will start construction within 60 days. This means that Single-Family Housing Starts should stay strong through the early part of 2012, and into the spring.

If you're planning to buy new construction in Minnesota , therefore, talk to your real estate agent soon and consider moving up your time frame. With mortgage rates low and next year's buying season approaching, you may find that the best "deals" will come within the next few weeks only.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Home Builders Experiencing Heavy Foot Traffic And Higher Sales Volume

Housing Market Index 2010-2011In another good sign for the housing market, today's home builders believe that the housing market has turned a corner.

For the third straight month, the Housing Market Index -- a home builder confidence survey from the National Association of Homebuilders -- reported strong monthly gains.

December's Housing Market Index climbed 2 points to 21 in December after a downward revision to last month's results. The index is now up seven points since September 2011, and sits at a 19-month high.

When home builder confidence reads 50 or better, it reflects favorable conditions in the single-family new home market. Readings below 50 reflect unfavorable conditions.

The Housing Market Index has not crossed 50 since April 2006.

The HMI itself is actually a composite reading; the result of three related home builder surveys. The National Association of Homebuilders asks its members about their current single-family home sales volume; their projected single-family home sales volume for the next 6 months; and their current buyer "foot traffic".

The results are compiled into the single Housing Market Index tally.

In December, builder survey responses showed strength across all 3 questions :

  • Current Single-Family Sales : 22 (+2 from November)
  • Projected Single-Family Sales : 26 (+1 from November)
  • Buyer Foot Traffic : 18 (+3 from November)

These results support the recent New Home Sales and Housing Starts data, both of which show an increase in single-family sales, and a decrease in new home housing supply.

When demand rises and supplies fall, home prices climb.

It's also noteworthy that the Housing Market Index put buyer foot traffic at newly-built homes at its highest level since May 2008. With even more buyers expected to enter the market, new home prices are expected to rise across Maple Grove in 2012 -- especially in the face of shrinking home supplies. 

For now, though, with home prices stable and mortgage rates low, buyers can grab "a deal". 60 days forward, though, may be too late.

The Spring Buying Season unofficially starts February 6, 2012. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : December 19, 2011

Fed Funds RateMortgage markets improved last week, but by a slight amount only; not enough to move conventional mortgage rates in Minnesota in any significant manner.

Wall Street watched as Eurozone leaders expressed little willingness to increase aid programs within the region, and as the Federal Reserve voted against new economic stimulus for the United States. The Fed Funds Rate remains near 0.000 percent and QE3 was not introduced.

Investors had expected the opposite outcome in both scenarios.

In most weeks, these stories would have led mortgage rates lower. There was, however, a fair amount of data suggesting that the U.S. economy is in recovery, and that tempered any major shifts in markets.

  • Manufacturing data proved to be strong
  • Inflation numbers are heating up
  • Jobless claims continue to drop, week-to-week

In addition, in its last meeting of the year, the Federal Reserve specifically mentioned that the economy has been "expanding moderately".

These are all good signs for the future of the U.S. economy. Unfortunately, for mortgage rate shoppers and would-be home buyers, it may mean higher mortgage rates ahead.

Since early-November, mortgage rates have idled, moving within a range of less than 2 basis points and centered on 3.99%. According to Freddie Mac, this week's average 30-year fixed rate mortgage fell to 3.94% which, at first glance, appears to be a "dip".

To get access to that rate, however, requires more discount points as compared to prior weeks.

This week's 3.94% with its accompanying 0.8 discount points is the financial equivalent of last week's 3.99% with its accompanying 0.7 discount points. Going further, last week's rates are actually less expensive to mortgage applicants for the first 3 years of a loan because the closing costs are so much lower.

So, given global economic conditions and the mortgage bond market's status as a "safe market", the failure of mortgage rates to fall suggests that this may be as low as mortgage rates get. It's time to look at locking in.

This week is a holiday-shortened week. Markets will close early-Friday and volume is expected to be thin. Therefore, expect exaggerated movements in rates. There are 3 releases related to housing (Housing Starts, Existing Home Sales, New Home Sales) and a consumer sentiment release. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Mortgage Payments Fall 12% Since February 2011

Mortgage payments in 2011

As mortgage rates drop, so do housing payments. It's a good time to consider refinancing your home, or making an offer on a new one. Mortgage payment affordability has never been so high in history.

According to Freddie Mac, the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage rate is now 3.94 percent -- an all-time low -- with an accompanying 0.8 discount points. This means that in order to get access to the 3.94 percent rate, Maple Grove  homeowners and home buyers should expect to pay a loan fee equal to 0.8% of the borrowed amount, plus "normal" closing costs.

Last week, the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage rate was 3.99 percent with an accompanying 0.7 discount points.

Mortgage rates in Minnesota have been in decline for most of the year. Since peaking in early-February, the average home owner's principal + interest payment on a 30-year fixed rate mortgage had now dropped by 12.2 percent.

Here is how mortgage payments compare, then and now, not accounting for your individual tax-and-insurance escrow :

  • February 10, 2011 : Payment of $539.88 per $100,000 borrowed
  • December 15, 2011 : Payment of $473.96 per $100,000 borrowed

For existing homeowners, the dramatic drop in payments is reason to reach out to your loan officer. A refinance could save you tens of thousands of dollars over the life of your loan -- especially if you chose to refinance your mortgage into a 15-year program.

The 15-year mortgage, says Freddie Mac, is also at an all-time low, registering 3.21 percent with 0.8 discount points, on average.

For home buyers, today's low rates present an interesting opportunity.

Mortgage rates are the key factor in determining your monthly housing payment so, with average mortgage rates below 4 percent, it's no wonder home affordability is cresting. However, the housing market is showing signs of recovery. Home supplies are dwindling, buyer demand is rising, and the economy appears to be mending.

Home prices are expected to rise in 2012 and, as they do, they'll take housing payments with them. The best time to buy a home may be now; before the recovery completes.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bank Repossessions Drop To A 44-Month Low

Foreclosure concentration November 2011Foreclosure activity continues to concentrate over just a few states.

According to foreclosure-tracker RealtyTrac, November's foreclosure filings fell 3 percent as compared to October, and 14 percent from November 2010.

"Foreclosure filing" is a catch-all term for the various "action steps" throughout the foreclosure process. The grouping comprises default notices, scheduled home auctions, and bank repossessions.

As in most months, though, foreclosure activity remains concentrated by state. More than half of last month's bank repossessions can be traced to just 6 states.

  1. California : 14.8% of all bank repossessions
  2. Florida : 12.7% of all bank repossessions
  3. Texas : 7.0% of all bank repossessions
  4. Georgia : 6.9% of all bank repossessions
  5. Arizona : 6.7% of all bank repossessions
  6. Michigan : 6.3% of all bank repossessions

Meanwhile, with just 5 repossessions, South Dakota topped the list of states with the fewest bank repossessions in November. The Mount Rushmore State accounted for just 0.009% of REO nationwide in a month in which bank repossessions dropped to a 44-month low point across the United States.

The drop in REO is coming at a tough time for today's Plymouth home buyers. Distressed properties are in high demand -- mostly because they sell at steep discounts.

According to the National Association of REALTORS®, distressed homes accounted for 28 percent of all home sales in October. As fewer bank-owned homes become available, though, there will be fewer "deals" to be had.

Especially as the broader housing market continues to signal its recovery.

If you plan to buy a bank-owned foreclosed property, do your research first. As supplies drop, the price for foreclosed homes throughout Minnesota relative to non-distressed homes may rise, rendering REO properties less of a relative "value".

Before you write a contract, therefore, talk with a licensed real estate agent. There's plenty of foreclosure data available online but, when it's time to buy, you should have an experienced agent on your side.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Simple Explanation Of The Federal Reserve Statement (December 13, 2011 Edition)

Putting the FOMC statement in plain EnglishTuesday, the Federal Open Market Committee voted to leave the Fed Funds Rate unchanged within its current target range of 0.000-0.250 percent.

The vote was nearly unanimous for the second straight month. Just one FOMC member dissented in the vote, favoring additional policy stimulus beyond what the Federal Reserve currently provides.

In its press release, the Federal Reserve sais that the the U.S. economy is improving, noting that since its November 2011 meeting, the economy has been "expanding moderately". The Fed also added that domestic growth is occurring despite some "apparent slowing in global growth" -- a nod to ongoing uncertainty within the Eurozone.

The Federal Reserve expects a moderate pace of growth over the next few quarters, and believes that the jobs market will continue to improve, but slowly.

Other potential soft spots within the economy include :  

  1. A slowdown in business investment
  2. A "depressed" housing market
  3. Strains in global financial markets

The Federal Reserve added no new policies at its December meeting, and made no changes to existing ones. It re-iterated its plan to leave the Fed Funds Rate within its current range of 0.000-0.250 percent "at least until mid-2013" and re-affirmed "Operation Twist" -- the stimulus program through which the Fed sells Treasury securities with a maturity of 3 years or less, and uses the proceeds to buy mortgage bonds with maturity between 6 and 30 years.

Mortgage bonds are mostly unchanged since the Fed's announcement, giving mortgage rates in Plymouth little reason to rise or fall.

Mortgage rates remain near all-time lows and, for homeowners willing to pay points + closing costs, 30-year fixed rate mortgages can be locked at less than 4 percent. If you're thinking of buying or refinancing a home, it's a good time to lock a mortgage rate.

The FOMC's next meeting will be its first scheduled meeting of the new year. The meeting is slated for January 24-25, 2012.

America's Best Places To Raise A Family, Listed By State

Great Places To Raise A FamilyBusinessWeek recently released its 2011 America's Best Place to Raise a Family rankings. College-town Blacksburg, Virginia took top honors, breaking a 2-year win streak for the Chicago, Illinois region.

In 2009, suburban Mount Prospect, Illinois placed first. Last year, it was Tinley Park, Illinois.

The BusinessWeek report employs data from real estate information firm Onboard Informatics to make its rankings, compiling data across categories such as education, crime, and jobs plus access to parks and affordable homes. All selections are limited by population; all selections are home to 50,000 residents or fewer. Median incomes are within 20 percent -- plus or minus -- of the state's median income levels.

BusinessWeek names one winner in each state. The winners in the 10 most populous states and their nearest "big city" are listed below

  1. California : East San Gabriel (Los Angeles)
  2. Texas : Wells Branch (Austin)
  3. New York : Hampton Manor (Albany)
  4. Florida : Niceville (Fort Walton Beach)
  5. Illinois : Morton Grove (Chicago)
  6. Pennsylvania : Cecil-Bishop (Pittsburgh)
  7. Ohio : St. Henry (Dayton)
  8. Michigan : Spring Arbor (Jackson)
  9. Georgia : Hoschton (Atlanta)
  10. North Carolina : Tryon (Spartanburg, SC)

The winners in all 50 states can be found on the BusinessWeek website.

Rankings like the BusinessWeek America's Best Place to Raise a Family can be useful for home buyers in Minneapolis , but like everything in real estate, statistics do not apply to every home equally. Even within the "best towns", there are areas in which school systems are better, crime figures are lower, and amenities are more plentiful.

Therefore, before you make the decision to buy a home, talk with a real estate agent who has local market knowledge. It's the most effective means to get data that matters to you.

Monday, December 12, 2011

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : December 12, 2011

Federal Reserve meets this weekMortgage markets were mostly unchanged for the 6th consecutive week last week as Wall Street's uncertainty regarding the future of U.S. and global economies remain.

Mortgage bonds made gains made through the early part of the week, which caused mortgage rates in Minnesota to drop Monday through Wednesday afternoon. Those gains were erased, however, as 23 of 27 Euro leaders reached agreement on fiscal coordination and budget planning, sparking optimism for the future of the Eurozone, in general.

Mortgage rates rose Thursday and Friday.

This week, the momentum may continue. The main story we'll be watching is the Federal Open Market Committee's Tuesday meeting -- its 8th scheduled meeting of the year and its last until 2012. 

When the Fed meets, mortgage rates are often volatile.

At its meeting, the FOMC is expected to vote the Fed Funds Rate unchanged within its current range near zero percent. However, it won't be the Fed's vote on the Fed Funds Rate that changes markets. Wall Street is keyed in to two other elements, instead.

The first element is the verbiage of the FOMC's press release to markets. Issued upon adjournment, the FOMC's press release identifies strengths and weaknesses in the U.S. economy, and offers an outlook for the future plus potential threats. The "tone" of the press release can change how mortgage bonds trade.

If the Fed describes an economy in recovery with few threat to growth, mortgage rates are likely to rise post-FOMC. By contrast, if the Fed says the economy has slowed, mortgage rates should fall.

The second element on which Wall Street is focused is the likelihood of new, Fed-led economic stimulus. Should the Federal Reserve modify existing support programs, or introduce new ones, mortgage rates are sure to shift. Unfortunately, we can't know in which direction -- it will depend on the size of the program and its expected impact on the U.S. economy.

The Fed adjourns Tuesday at 2:15 PM ET.

Beyond the Fed, there is other rate-moving news, too, including Tuesday's Retail Sales report, Thursday's Producer Price Index, and Friday's Consumer Price Index. Each has the capacity to change mortgage rates throughout Minneapolis so if you're floating a mortgage rate, it may be a good time to lock one in. 

Freddie Mac reports the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage at 3.99% with 0.7 discount points, plus closing costs.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Reduce Long-Term Loan Costs With A 15-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage

Comparing 30-year fixed rate mortgage to 15-year fixed rate mortgages

For as low as 30-year fixed rate mortgage rates are in Minnesota today, 15-year fixed rate mortgage rates are even lower.

According to Freddie Mac's weekly mortgage rate survey, the average 15-year fixed rate mortgage rate is now 3.27% nationwide with an accompanying 0.8 discount points. 1 discount point is a closing cost equal to 1 percent of your loan size.

The current 15-year fixed rate reading is just one tick above the all-time, 15-year fixed rate mortgage low of 3.26% set in October 2011.

If you've ever thought of "going 15", it's a terrific time to talk to your lender.

The primary benefit of using a 15-year fixed rate mortgage as opposed to a 30-year fixed rate one is that a 15-year fixed rate mortgage dramatically cuts the long-term interest costs of your loan. The downside is that monthly payments are relatively large.

At today's mortgage rates, per $100,000 borrowed :

  • 15-year fixed rate mortgage : $704 principal + interest monthly
  • 30-year fixed rate mortgage : $477 principal + interest monthly

So, for homeowners opting for a 15-year fixed rate mortgage, the monthly principal + interest payments will be 48% higher as compared to a 30-year fixed rate mortgage of the same loan size. Long-term, however, because the 15-year fixed rate mortgage interest rate is lower and because it pays off in half the time of a 30-year loan, a homeowner will save $45,000 in interest costs per $100,000 borrowed.

$45,000 per $100,000 borrowed is a huge amount of savings. It's monies that can be used for college tuition, home improvement projects, retirement savings, or anything else. 

That said, the 15-year fixed rate mortgage is not ideal for everyone.

Because it requires higher monthly payments, a 15-year fixed rate mortgage may add stress to your household budget. Furthermore, once you commit to a 15-year loan term with your lender, you can't revert back to a 30-year loan term without a refinance and refinances can be costly.

Therefore, be sure of yourself when selecting a 15-year fixed rate loan. The rewards are great, but the risks can be, too.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Simple Real Estate Definitions : Tax And Insurance Escrow

Escrow taxes and insuranceAs a homeowner in Maple Grove , your fiscal responsibility extends beyond just making mortgage payments. You must also pay your home's real estate taxes as they come due, as well as your homeowners insurance policy premiums.

Failure to pay real estate taxes can result in foreclosure. Failure to insure your home is a breach of your mortgage loan terms.

There are two methods by which you can pay your real estate tax and homeowners insurance bills.

The first method is to pay your taxes and insurance as the bills come due, usually semi-annually. Depending on your home's tax bill size and the cost to insure your home, these payments can feel quite large -- especially if you've failed to budget for them properly.

The second method of paying your taxes and insurance is to give your lender the right to pay them on your behalf, a process known as "escrowing for taxes and insurance".

When you escrow your real estate taxes and homeowners insurance, you pay a portion of your annual obligation to your lender each month, which your lender then holds in a special account for you, and disperses to your taxing entities and insurance company as needed. Lenders prefer that homeowners escrow taxes and insurance because, in doing so, the lender is assured that tax bills remain current and that homes stay insured.

Want a discount on your next mortgage rate? Tell your lender that you're willing to escrow.

To help calculate your monthly escrow payment to your lender, do the following :

  1. Find your home's annual real estate tax bill
  2. Find your home's annual homeowners insurance premium
  3. Add the two figures and divide by 12 months in a year

The quotient is your monthly "escrow"; the extra payment you'll make to your lender each month along with your regularly scheduled principal + interest payment. Then, when your tax bills and insurance premiums come due, your lender will make sure the payments are made on your behalf.

If you're unsure whether escrowing is right for you, talk to your loan officer and/or financial planner. There are valid reasons to choose either path.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Have Mortgage Rates Bottomed Out?

Mortgage Rates Bottomed Out?

Mortgage rates have troughed. Or, so it seems.

According to Freddie Mac's weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey, the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage is 4.00 percent nationwide -- roughly the same rate as it's been for 5 weeks. 

During that times, rates have ranged between 3.97 and 4.02 percent with an accompanying 0.7 discount points, plus "typical" closing costs. Closing costs vary by state and 1 discount point is equal to 1 percent of your loan size.

In other words, to get the weekly, published Freddie Mac rate, borrowers in Minnesota should expect to pay a complete set of fees to their respective lenders. The larger the loan, the higher the costs. "Low-fee" and "no-fee" loans are available, too -- typically in exchange for a slightly rate.

A breakdown of the Freddie Mac survey shows that interest rates and discount points vary by region. Typically, states in the West Region offer the lowest rates but with the highest costs. East Region states work in reverse; rates are often highest but the accompanying points are fewest.

The most recent mortgage rate breakdown by region shows :

  • Northeast Region : 4.00% with 0.7 discount points 
  • West Region : 3.96% with 0.8 discount points
  • Southeast Region : 4.06% with 0.9 discount points
  • North Central Region : 3.97% with 0.7 discount points
  • Southwest Region : 4.04% with 0.7 discount points

What's most notable, though, is that in all 4 regions, rates are well below their 2011 highs. Since mid-April, mortgage rates have been in descent, dropping for 5 consecutive months before reaching to their current, "rock-bottom" levels in early-November.

Since then, however, rates have idled and the forces that combined to make rates low throughout Maple Grove are subsiding. The U.S. economy is showing signs of a rebirth; the Eurozone is edging closer to solvency; and the housing market is recovering.

So, if you've been wondering whether now is a good time to refinance, or whether higher rates will harm home affordability, the answer is yes. Get in touch with your loan officer to review your home loan options because, looking ahead to 2012, mortgage rates look poised to rise.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fed Minutes Suggest New Economic Stimulus Next Week

FOMC minutesThe Federal Open Market Committee released its November 2011 meeting minutes, revealing a Fed split on whether new stimulus is needed for the U.S. economy.

The Fed Minutes is published 8 times annually, three weeks after each scheduled Federal Open Market Committee meeting. It's the official record of the meeting's policy-shaping debates and dialogues.

The Fed Minutes is the lengthier companion piece to the FOMC's more well-known, post-meeting press release.

As compared to press release which is concise and focused at 492 words, the Fed Minutes is comprehensive and broad, totalling 7,682 words over 11 pages, complete with charts.

The November minutes reveal Fed opinions on a variety of economic issues :

  • On employment : Unemployment will gradually decline through 2014
  • On housing : The market remains depressed. Foreclosures are "holding back" growth.
  • On rates : The Fed Funds Rate should remain low until mid-2013

There was also discussion about the government's revamped HARP program, and how it should help more homeowners get access to low mortgage rates. The Fed sees this as a positive for housing, and for the economy.

There was little in November's Fed Minutes to surprise Wall Street, however, the Fed did discuss the possibility of new market stimulus, a topic Wall Street expects the FOMC to address next week at its last scheduled meeting of 2011.

Should the Fed introduce new market stimulus next week, and should it arrive in the form of additional mortgage bond purchases, expect for mortgage rates to fall across Minnesota and nationwide. If the Fed declines new stimulus, mortgage rates should rise.

The FOMC meets Tuesday, December 13, 2012.

Monday, December 5, 2011

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : December 5, 2011

Non-farm payrolls Dec 2009 - Nov 2011Mortgage markets made little change last week for the fifth time in as many weeks.

As Wall Street watched both the Eurozone and the U.S. regain their respective footing, expectations for a new Fed-led stimulus increased, which prevented mortgage rates from rising.

According to Freddie Mac, the average 30-year fixed rate conforming mortgage rose just 2 basis points last week to 4.00% nationwide with an accompanying 0.7 discount points

1 discount point is equal to 1 percent of your loan size.

For every $100,000 borrowed at 4.00 percent, therefore, today's Minnesota mortgage applicant should expect to pay $700 in "points". Mortgage rates for "zero-point loans" are higher than Freddie Mac's published, average value.

This week, with few economic releases set for release, last week's big stories should carry over into the current one -- the biggest of which was a worldwide, coordinated central bank effort to increase system liquidity.

The European Central Bank, Bank of England and U.S. Federal Reserve were joined by the central banks of Japan, Canada and Switzerland in the effort. Stock markets rallied on the news.

Another of last week's big stories was the sharp drop in the U.S. Unemployment Rate.

After hovering near nine percent since April, the Unemployment Rate broke out of range, dropping to to 8.6% in November. This is the lowest national Unemployment Rate since March 2009, a milestone achieved via the combination of new jobs created (+192,000 in November with revisions) plus a smaller U.S. workforce.

The U.S. economy has added 1.9 million jobs in the last 14 months.

Lastly, last week's New Home Sales and Pending Home Sales Index releases support the growing belief that the U.S. housing market is in recovery. Both reports showed strong growth for October, corroborating what home builders have been saying -- the housing market is improving and buyer ranks are growing.

Home supplies are lower in many U.S. markets.

This week, rate shoppers in Plymouth should be on alert. Market momentum changes quickly, and rates are currently anchored by the expectation of new Federal Reserve stimulus. The Fed meets December 13, 2011. As that date approaches, expectations could change, causing rates to rise.

Mortgage rates remain near all-time lows. It's a good time to lock a rate with your lender.

Friday, December 2, 2011

More Housing Strength : Pending Home Sales Surged In October

Pending Home Sales 18 Months Ending October 2011

If you're waiting for home prices to reach its bottom, you may have missed your window.

After 3 consecutive months of easing, the Pending Home Sales Index jumped 10 percent in October, lending credence to the belief that housing is in recovery.

The Pending Home Sales Index is a monthly publication from the National Association of REALTORS®. It measures the number of homes under contract to sell nationwide. October's reading is the highest for all of 2011, and the second-highest dating back to April 2010.

April 2010 was the last month of the last year's federal home buyer tax credit.

For buyers and sellers in Minneapolis and nationwide, the Pending Home Sales Index is a housing metric worth watching. Different from the Existing Home Sales and New Home Sales reports which report on "the past", the Pending Home Sales Index is a forward-looking housing market indicator.

According to the National Association of REALTORS®, 80% of homes under contract close within 2 months.

The majority of the rest close within Months 3 and 4.

The spike in October's Pending Home Sales Index, therefore, foretells a strong Existing Home Sales report for November and December. Not that we should be surprised! Home builders have been telling us for weeks that the market is strengthening, and that home supplies are at multi-year lows.

The only wild-card is the market's out-sized contract failure rate. One in three pending home sales failed to close in October -- nearly double the rate of the month prior and 4 times the rate of October 2010. Should this high failure rate continue, the Pending Home Sales Index's role as a forward-looking indicator would be muted.

Overall, though, new buyer demand for housing accompanied a smaller home supply will result in higher home prices through 2012. And, with mortgage rates expected to rise, monthly carrying costs will be higher, too.

Looking at the data, the best time to buy a home may be right now.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Friday's Jobs Report Represents A Big Risk To Low Mortgage Rates

Net new jobs created (2000 - 2011)

Have you been floating a mortgage rate? It may be time to lock.

At 8:30 AM ET Friday, the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics will release its November Non-Farm Payrolls report. Better known as "the jobs report", the monthly Non-Farm Payrolls figures provide sector-by-sector employment data, and tally the size of the current U.S. workforce size.

From these two elements, the national Unemployment Rate is derived.

Since topping out at 10.2% in October 2009, the Unemployment Rate has dropped to 9.0%. More than 2.3 million net new jobs have been made in the last 24 months.

Wall Street expect to see 125,000 more jobs added in November.

Depending on how closely the actual Non-Farm Payrolls data meets Wall Street expectations, Plymouth rate shoppers could find that the mortgage market landscape has shifted beneath them. The jobs report is a mortgage-market catalyst and when its reported value differs from Wall Street expectations, the impact on mortgage rates can be palpable -- especially in a recovering economy.

The connection between the jobs market and the mortgage market is straight-forward -- as the jobs market goes, so goes the economy.

  1. When more people work, consumer spending increases
  2. When consumer spending rises, businesses expand and invest
  3. When businesses expand and invest, more people are put to work

Furthermore, employees and employers both pay taxes to governments. With more tax revenue, governments embark upon new projects which (1) require the hiring of additional workers, and (2) require the purchase and/or repair of additional equipment and supplies. 

Employment can be a self-reinforcing cycle for the economy and that's why Friday's jobs report will be so closely watched. If the number of jobs created exceeds the 125,000 expected, mortgage rates will rise on the expectation for a stronger U.S. economy in 2012.

Conversely, if the jobs figures fall short, mortgage rates may fall. 

Mortgage rates continue to hover near all-time lows according to Freddie Mac's weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey. The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage is sub-4.000 percent nationwide, with an accompanying fee of 0.7 discount points. 1 discount point is equal to 1 percent of your loan size.

If you're under contract for a home or looking to refinance, minimize your interest rate risk. Lock ahead of Friday's Non-Farm Payrolls release.

Get your rate lock in today.

Friday's Jobs Report Represents A Big Risk To Low Mortgage Rates

Net new jobs created (2000 - 2011)

Have you been floating a mortgage rate? It may be time to lock.

At 8:30 AM ET Friday, the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics will release its November Non-Farm Payrolls report. Better known as "the jobs report", the monthly Non-Farm Payrolls figures provide sector-by-sector employment data, and tally the size of the current U.S. workforce size.

From these two elements, the national Unemployment Rate is derived.

Since topping out at 10.2% in October 2009, the Unemployment Rate has dropped to 9.0%. More than 2.3 million net new jobs have been made in the last 24 months.

Wall Street expect to see 125,000 more jobs added in November.

Depending on how closely the actual Non-Farm Payrolls data meets Wall Street expectations, Maple Grove rate shoppers could find that the mortgage market landscape has shifted beneath them. The jobs report is a mortgage-market catalyst and when its reported value differs from Wall Street expectations, the impact on mortgage rates can be palpable -- especially in a recovering economy.

The connection between the jobs market and the mortgage market is straight-forward -- as the jobs market goes, so goes the economy.

  1. When more people work, consumer spending increases
  2. When consumer spending rises, businesses expand and invest
  3. When businesses expand and invest, more people are put to work

Furthermore, employees and employers both pay taxes to governments. With more tax revenue, governments embark upon new projects which (1) require the hiring of additional workers, and (2) require the purchase and/or repair of additional equipment and supplies. 

Employment can be a self-reinforcing cycle for the economy and that's why Friday's jobs report will be so closely watched. If the number of jobs created exceeds the 125,000 expected, mortgage rates will rise on the expectation for a stronger U.S. economy in 2012.

Conversely, if the jobs figures fall short, mortgage rates may fall. 

Mortgage rates continue to hover near all-time lows according to Freddie Mac's weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey. The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage is sub-4.000 percent nationwide, with an accompanying fee of 0.7 discount points. 1 discount point is equal to 1 percent of your loan size.

If you're under contract for a home or looking to refinance, minimize your interest rate risk. Lock ahead of Friday's Non-Farm Payrolls release.

Get your rate lock in today.

Friday's Jobs Report Represents A Big Risk To Low Mortgage Rates

Net new jobs created (2000 - 2011)

Have you been floating a mortgage rate? It may be time to lock.

At 8:30 AM ET Friday, the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics will release its November Non-Farm Payrolls report. Better known as "the jobs report", the monthly Non-Farm Payrolls figures provide sector-by-sector employment data, and tally the size of the current U.S. workforce size.

From these two elements, the national Unemployment Rate is derived.

Since topping out at 10.2% in October 2009, the Unemployment Rate has dropped to 9.0%. More than 2.3 million net new jobs have been made in the last 24 months.

Wall Street expect to see 125,000 more jobs added in November.

Depending on how closely the actual Non-Farm Payrolls data meets Wall Street expectations, Plymouth rate shoppers could find that the mortgage market landscape has shifted beneath them. The jobs report is a mortgage-market catalyst and when its reported value differs from Wall Street expectations, the impact on mortgage rates can be palpable -- especially in a recovering economy.

The connection between the jobs market and the mortgage market is straight-forward -- as the jobs market goes, so goes the economy.

  1. When more people work, consumer spending increases
  2. When consumer spending rises, businesses expand and invest
  3. When businesses expand and invest, more people are put to work

Furthermore, employees and employers both pay taxes to governments. With more tax revenue, governments embark upon new projects which (1) require the hiring of additional workers, and (2) require the purchase and/or repair of additional equipment and supplies. 

Employment can be a self-reinforcing cycle for the economy and that's why Friday's jobs report will be so closely watched. If the number of jobs created exceeds the 125,000 expected, mortgage rates will rise on the expectation for a stronger U.S. economy in 2012.

Conversely, if the jobs figures fall short, mortgage rates may fall. 

Mortgage rates continue to hover near all-time lows according to Freddie Mac's weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey. The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage is sub-4.000 percent nationwide, with an accompanying fee of 0.7 discount points. 1 discount point is equal to 1 percent of your loan size.

If you're under contract for a home or looking to refinance, minimize your interest rate risk. Lock ahead of Friday's Non-Farm Payrolls release.

Get your rate lock in today.

Friday's Jobs Report Represents A Big Risk To Low Mortgage Rates

Net new jobs created (2000 - 2011)

Have you been floating a mortgage rate? It may be time to lock.

At 8:30 AM ET Friday, the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics will release its November Non-Farm Payrolls report. Better known as "the jobs report", the monthly Non-Farm Payrolls figures provide sector-by-sector employment data, and tally the size of the current U.S. workforce size.

From these two elements, the national Unemployment Rate is derived.

Since topping out at 10.2% in October 2009, the Unemployment Rate has dropped to 9.0%. More than 2.3 million net new jobs have been made in the last 24 months.

Wall Street expect to see 125,000 more jobs added in November.

Depending on how closely the actual Non-Farm Payrolls data meets Wall Street expectations, Minneapolis rate shoppers could find that the mortgage market landscape has shifted beneath them. The jobs report is a mortgage-market catalyst and when its reported value differs from Wall Street expectations, the impact on mortgage rates can be palpable -- especially in a recovering economy.

The connection between the jobs market and the mortgage market is straight-forward -- as the jobs market goes, so goes the economy.

  1. When more people work, consumer spending increases
  2. When consumer spending rises, businesses expand and invest
  3. When businesses expand and invest, more people are put to work

Furthermore, employees and employers both pay taxes to governments. With more tax revenue, governments embark upon new projects which (1) require the hiring of additional workers, and (2) require the purchase and/or repair of additional equipment and supplies. 

Employment can be a self-reinforcing cycle for the economy and that's why Friday's jobs report will be so closely watched. If the number of jobs created exceeds the 125,000 expected, mortgage rates will rise on the expectation for a stronger U.S. economy in 2012.

Conversely, if the jobs figures fall short, mortgage rates may fall. 

Mortgage rates continue to hover near all-time lows according to Freddie Mac's weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey. The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage is sub-4.000 percent nationwide, with an accompanying fee of 0.7 discount points. 1 discount point is equal to 1 percent of your loan size.

If you're under contract for a home or looking to refinance, minimize your interest rate risk. Lock ahead of Friday's Non-Farm Payrolls release.

Get your rate lock in today.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New Home Supplies Fall To An 18-Month Low

New Home Supply 2009-2011

If you plan to buy of new construction in Minnesota sometime in 2012, don't expect today's low prices. Like everything in housing of late, the market for newly-built homes appears to be stabilizing and, in some markets, improving.

As foreshadowed by this month's strong Homebuilder Confidence survey, the Census Bureau reports that the number of new homes sold rose to a 6-month high in October, climbing to 307,000 units on a seasonally-adjusted, annualized basis.

A "new home" is a home that is considered new construction. It's the opposite of an "existing home".

Home buyers are comparing new construction to home resales and liking what they see. At the current sales pace, the nation's complete new home inventory would now be depleted in just 6.3 months. This marks the lowest home supply since April 2010 -- the last month of the last year's federal homebuyer tax credit.

By building only to meet new demand, builders are keeping home supplies in check, and home prices stable. They've also found a niche market -- 80% of homes sold last month sold for less than $300,000.

Split by region, the Census Bureau reports October's New Home Sales as follows :

  • Northeast Region : +0.0% from September 2011 
  • Midwest Region : +22.2% from September 2011 
  • South Region : -9.5% from September 2011 
  • West Region : -14.9% from September 2011 

Unfortunately, the data may be incorrect.

Although the October New Home Sales report says that sales climbed 1.3 percent last month, the government's data was published with a ±19.7% margin of error. This means that the actual New Home Sales reading may have been as high as +21.0 percent, or as low as -18.4 percent. Because the range of values includes both positive and negative values, the Census Bureau assigned its October data "zero confidence".

As home buyers, then, we can't take our market cues from the published data. Instead, we should look to other metrics including Housing Starts data and the aforementioned homebuilder confidence survey. Each points to strength in the new home market, and foretells higher home prices in 2012.

If you're in the market for new construction, consider writing an offer soon. Home prices remain low and mortgage rates do, too -- a combination that keeps home payments low. Next year, that may not be the case.

Monday, November 28, 2011

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : November 28, 2011

Non-Farm Payrolls Nov 2009-Oct 2011Mortgage markets worsened slightly last week through a bouncy, holiday-shortened trading week. Markets were closed Thursday for Thanksgiving and re-opened only briefly Friday.

As in past weeks, though, economic, political, and financial news from the Eurozone dictated the direction of U.S. mortgage-backed bonds.

As Greece -- and now Italy -- have faltered, investors have sought to preserve their respective principal, moving money from unsafe assets to safe ones, a class which includes Fannie Mae- and Freddie Mac-backed mortgage bonds.

This investment pattern is known as "safe haven" buying and it's why mortgage rates tend to improve when large economies grow unstable. Government mortgage bonds are considered among the safest securities available.

The average 30-year fixed rate mortgage is available for 3.98%, according to Freddie Mac, with borrowers expected to pay an accompanying 0.7 discount points. 1 "discount point" is a loan fee equal to 1 percent of your loan size.

"No-point loans" carry higher rates than the Freddie Mac-published figures, but come with lower closing costs.

This week, there are several reasons to expect mortgage rates to rise throughout Minnesota.

First, markets are speculating that the IMF will lend Italy 600 billion euro to help avert financial crisis. This move would reverse the safe haven buying that's characterized the last few weeks of trading, thereby leading mortgage rates higher.

A second reason is that they are early reports that Black Friday shoppers out-spent analyst estimates. Consumer spending is the largest part of the U.S. economy so, if spending is up, the economy should be up, too. 

As before, this would reverse some of the safe haven buying that's helped keep mortgage rates low.

Lastly, this week is stuffed with new data including Friday's always-important Non-Farm Payrolls report. Wall Street expects 116,000 net new jobs created in November. If the actual figure is much higher, mortgage rates will rise.

Expect mortgage rates to be volatile this week. Your quoted mortgage rates could vary by as much as a quarter-percent from day-to-day. If you're nervous about losing a low rate that's been offered to you, consider locking in.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Conforming Loan Limits Unchanged For 2012

Conforming loan limits (1980-2012)

A conforming mortgage is one that, literally, conforms to the mortgage guidelines as set forth by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 

Conforming mortgage guidelines are Fannie's and Freddie's eligibility standards; an underwriter's series of check-boxes to determine whether a given loan should be approved.

Among the many traits of a conforming mortgage is "loan size".

Each year, the government re-assesses its maximum allowable loan size based on "typical" housing costs nationwide. Loans that fall at, or below, this amount meet conforming mortgage guidelines. Loans in excess of this limit are known as "jumbo" loans.

Between 1980 and 2006, as home values increased, conforming loan limits did, too, rising from $93,750 to $417,000. Since 2006, however, despite falling home prices in many U.S. markets, the conforming loan limit has held steady.  This will remain true for 2012 as well. 

In 2012, for the 7th straight year, the national, single-family conforming mortgage loan limit will remain at $417,000.

The complete 2012 conforming loan limit breakdown, by property type :

  • 1-unit properties : $417,000
  • 2-unit properties : $533,850
  • 3-unit properties : $645,300
  • 4-unit properties : $801,950

However, there are some areas nationally that have earned "loan limit exceptions" based on the local median sales prices. These areas are known as "high-cost" areas and loan limits within these regions range from $417,001 to a maximum of $625,500.

Some examples of high-cost areas include San Francisco (along with a most of California), New York City, and most of Hawaii and Alaska. Nationally, there are approximately 200 such "high-cost" areas.

Verify your local conforming loan limit and loan limits across Minnesota via the Fannie Mae website. A complete county-by-county list is published online.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

More Sales, Less Inventory : Home Prices Headed Higher?

Existing Home Supply -- Oct 2011 - Oct 2011 The housing market continues to signal that a broad rebound is underway. In October, despite sparse home inventory, the number of properties sold increased 1.4% nationwide.

According to data from the National Association of REALTORS®, on a seasonally-adjusted, annualized basis, October Existing Home Sales gained 70,000 units as compared to September, registering 4.97 million existing homes sold overall.

An "existing home" is a home that has been previously occupied and, as compared to prior months, the stock of homes for sale is depleted. 

Just 3.3 million homes were listed for sale last month. This represents a 2 percent drop from September and marks the sparsest home resale inventory of 2011.

The current home supply would last 8.0 months at today's sales pace -- the fastest rate since January 2010. 

The real estate trade group's report contained other noteworthy statistics, too :

  1. 34 percent of all sales were made to first-time buyers
  2. 29 percent of all sales were made with cash
  3. 28 percent of all sales were for foreclosed homes, or short sales

It also said that one-third of transactions "failed" as a result of homes not appraising for the purchase price; failure to achieve a mortgage approval; and, insurmountable home inspection issues.

This 33% failure rate is huge as compared to September 2011 (18%) and October 2010 (8%). It underscores the importance of getting pre-qualified to purchase, and of selecting a home "in good condition".

For today's Maple Grove home buyer, October's Existing Home Sales may be a "buy signal". Supplies are falling and sales are increasing. Elementary economics says home prices should begin rising, if they haven't already.

Remember : The data we're seeing is already 30 days old. Today's market may be markedly improved already.

The good news is that mortgage rates remain low. Freddie Mac reports that the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage rate is 4.000% with 0.7 discount points, making homes as affordable as they've been in history.

With rising home values, you may end up paying more to purchase your new home, but at least you'll pay less to finance it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Maximum FHA Loan Limits Restored To $729,750

FHA Loan Limits RestoredAfter a brief return to lower, pre-2009 levels, FHA loan limits have been restored. As signed into law last Friday, maximum FHA loan limits are -- once again -- as high as $729,750.

The move creates additional mortgage financing possibilities in more than 650 U.S. counties, and promises to increase the FHA's mortgage market share, which has grown from 6% in 2007 to roughly 30% today.

The change in FHA loan limits also marks the first time that FHA loan limits exceed those of conventional mortgage-backers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Conventional loans remain capped at a maximum of $625,500.

For home buyers in Maple Grove and nationwide, FHA-insured mortgage offer several advantages over comparable conventional loans, the most commonly cited of which is that FHA-insured loans require a down payment of just 3.5 percent.

FHA-insured mortgages carry other advantages, too, however.

First, FHA home loans are not subject to loan-level pricing adjustments (LLPA). This means that, all things equal, buyers and would-be refinancers with credit scores below 740; or, who live in multi-unit homes; or, who have high loan-to-values are not subject to additional loan fees as a conventional mortgage applicant might.

Second, after 6 months of on-time payments, FHA-backed homeowners are eligible for the FHA Streamline Refinance. The FHA Streamline Refinance is among the simplest loan products for which to qualify with no appraisal required. Even if you're "underwater" on your mortgage, you can still be streamline-eligible.

And, lastly, at least in today's market, FHA mortgage rates are below those of the conventional market.

The downside of FHA financing, however, is that all FHA mortgages require mortgage insurance and FHA mortgage rates are often higher versus a comparable conventional loan. This means that, although its mortgage rate may be lower, the payment for an FHA home loan may be higher as compared to a Fannie Mae mortgage with similar credit traits.

FHA loans aren't always optimal, but with higher FHA loan limits, expect the FHA's market share to increase.

Check your local FHA loan limit at the HUD website.

Monday, November 21, 2011

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : November 21, 2011

Congressional super-committee deadline influences mortgage ratesMortgage markets went unchanged last week as Wall Street traded on new debt stress within the Eurozone, and stronger-than-expected economic data here at home.

Rates moved very little from Monday to Friday and the storyline's not expected to change much this week for today's rate shoppers.

According to Freddie Mac, conforming 30-year fixed rate mortgages remain priced at 4.000% with 0.7 discount points on average, where 1 discount point equals one percent of the loan size. For people who prefer "zero-point" mortgages, expect a mortgage rate above 4.000%.

By contrast, loans with 1 point or more are priced below 4.000 percent.

However, in this holiday-shortened trading week, mortgage volatility should be up, and rates may finally break from the 4.000 benchmark we've hovered since November 1.

What's unclear is whether rates will rise or fall.

For 8 months, we've talked of how events in Greece have influenced the U.S. mortgage market and, how each time Greece moved to the precipice of default, the U.S. mortgage bond market improved, causing mortgage rates to fall.

Last week, similar default concerns emerged for Italy and Spain. This applied downward pressure on U.S. mortgage rates, but a strong retail sales report; a better-than-expected New Home Sales data; and soaring homebuilder confidence renewed talk of domestic inflation in 2012 and beyond. 

Inflation erodes the value of the U.S. dollar and leads to higher mortgage rates.

This week, we get a full set of data :

  • Monday : Existing Home Sales
  • Tuesday : FOMC Minutes; GDP; 5-Year Treasury Auction
  • Wednesday : Jobless Claims; Personal Income and Outlays; Consumer Sentiment

In addition, Wednesday marks the deadline for the congressional "super-committee" tasked with finding $1.2 trillion in federal budget savings over the next 10 years. The committee was formed in the wake of August's downgrade of U.S. federal debt by Standard & Poors.

If Congress fails to meet its goal in time, stock markets should suffer and mortgage rates may fall.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Housing Starts Rising; New Construction Turns The Corner?

Housing Starts (2009-2011)Another day, another signal that the market for newly-built homes is improving.

Single-Family Housing Starts rose to a seasonally-adjusted, annualized 430,000 units in October – a 4 percent increase from September and the highest reading in 3 months.

A "Housing Start" is a home on which ground has been broken.

The increase in surprised Wall Street analysts, although it shouldn't have.  

Earlier this week, the National Association of Homebuilders showed that Homebuilder Confidence is at its highest point since May 2010, the effect of better market conditions and more sold units. Rising housing starts amid a lift in builder confidence is to be expected -- the two metrics have moved with loose correlation since mid-2000.

However, as with everything in real estate, Single-Family Housing Starts volume varied by location. The nation's 4 regions posted wide-ranging results :

  • Northeast Region : + 10.0% from September
  • Midwest Region : -4.1% from September
  • South Region : +11.3% from September
  • West Region : -10.2% from September

Buyers of new construction in Plymouth can infer two key points from last month's data.

First, with more homes will being built, home supply should rise, thereby softening pressure on rising home prices. This should help keep homes affordable.

However, the second point is that, with builder confidence rising, buyers are less likely to win price concessions and "free upgrades" in negotiations.

The last 6 weeks of 2011 may be your optimal time to buy new construction. Home prices remain affordable and mortgage rates are rock-bottom. In addition, because there are typically fewer active home buyers during the holidays, you'll be more likely to locate one of the few remaining new construction "deals".

Talk to your real estate agent about local trends and new construction. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Homebuilders Getting Optimistic; Higher Home Prices Ahead?

Housing Market Index 2009-2011Homebuilder confidence continues to rise.

Just two months after falling to a multi-month low, the Housing Market Index surged again in November, climbing another three points to 21. It's the second straight month that the HMI posted a 3-point gain, catapulting the index to an 18-month.

The Housing Market Index is monthly report from the National Association of Homebuilders. It's meant to measure confidence among the nation's homebuilders, scored on a scale of 1-100.

When homebuilder confidence reads 50 or better, it reflects favorable conditions for homebuilders. Readings below 50 reflect unfavorable conditions.

The Housing Market Index has not read north of 50 since April 2006.

As an index, the HMI is actually a composite reading; the result of three separate surveys sent to homebuilders each month. The National Association of Homebuilders asks it members about current single-family home sales volume; projected single-family home sales volume over the next 6 months; and current "foot traffic".

In November, builder responses were stronger in all 3 categories :

  • Current Single-Family Sales : 20 (+3 from October)
  • Projected Single-Family Sales : 25 (+1 from October)
  • Buyer Foot Traffic : 15 (+1 from October)

And, beyond the headline data, there is an important, noteworthy item in this month's Housing Market Index.

In November, "Current Single Family Sales" climbed 3 points for the second straight month, and is now at the highest point since May 2010 -- the month after last year's home buyer tax credit expired. And, this increase in sales volume is occurring as new home construction is falling, thereby reducing home inventory nationwide.

That's an important point for Minneapolis home buyers.

With more new home sales and fewer new home listings, prices are likely to increase into 2012. Especially with home builders predicting higher sales levels over the next 6 months, and seeing higher levels of buyer foot traffic through their properties today.

For now, though, home prices are stable and mortgage rates are low. This creates low-cost homeownership throughout Minnesota , and helps new home construction remain affordable.

If you're in the market for new home construction, the next 60 days may prove to be your best time to get "a deal".

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Government Releases Additional HARP Guidance For Underwater Homeowners

Making Home Affordabie

Tuesday, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac unveiled lender instructions for the government's revamped HARP program, kick-starting a potential refinance frenzy across Minnesota and nationwide.

HARP stands for Home Affordable Refinance Program. The updated program is meant to give "underwater homeowners" an opportunity to refinance at today's low mortgage rates.

In the two-plus years since its launch, HARP's first iteration helped fewer than 900,000 homeowners. HARP II, by contrast, is expected to reach millions.

Lenders begin taking HARP II loan applications December 1, 2011.

To apply for HARP, applicants must first meet 4 basic criteria :

  1. The existing mortgage must be guaranteed by Fannie Mae or by Freddie Mac
  2. The existing mortgage must have been securitized by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac prior to June 1, 2009
  3. The mortgage payment history must be perfect going back 6 months
  4. The mortgage payment history may not include more than one 30-day late payment going back 12 months 

If the above criteria are met, HARP applicants will like what they see.

For HARP applicants, loan-level pricing adjustments are waived in full for loans with terms of 20 years or fewer; and maxed at 0.75 for loans with terms in excess of 20 years.

This will result in dramatically lower mortgages rates for HARP applicants -- especially those with credit scores below 740. Some applicants will find HARP mortgage rates lower than for a "traditional" conventional mortgage.

In addition, HARP applicants are exempted from the standard waiting period following a bankruptcy or foreclosure, which is 4 years and 7 years, respectively.

These two items are inclusionary and should help HARP reach a broader U.S. audience.

HARP contains exclusionary policies, too.

  1. The "unlimited LTV" feature only applies to fixed rate loans or 30 years or fewer. ARMs are capped at 105% loan-to-value.
  2. Applicants must be "requalified" if the proposed mortgage payment exceeds the current payment by 20%.
  3. Applicants must benefit from either a lower payment, or a "more stable" product to qualify

And, of course, HARP can only be used once. 

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will adopt slight variations of the same HARP guidelines so make sure to check with your loan officer for the complete list of HARP eligibility requirements.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Foreclosure Filings Climbing; 4 States Account For Half Of Nationwide Activity

Foreclosures per capita October 2011

Foreclosed homes are a hot market throughout Minnesota -- and supplies are ramping up.

According to foreclosure-tracking firm RealtyTrac, October's foreclosure filings rose 7 percent to 231,000 filings nationwide.

A "foreclosure filing" is any one of the following foreclosure-related events : A default notice on a home; a scheduled auction for a home; or, a bank repossession of a home. Because of this definition, a single home can account for up to 3 foreclosure filings -- one from each category. 

Because of this, we may glean more relevant insight into the foreclosure market by separating RealtyTrac's foreclosure report into "event types".

  • Default Notices : Up 10% from September 2011; Down 31% from October 2010.
  • Scheduled Auctions : Up 8% from September 2011; Down 38% from October 2010.
  • Bank Repossessions : Up 4% from September 2011; Down 27% from October 2010.

These breakdowns suggest that, although improved as compared to last year, the foreclosure market is growing. At least, it's growing in some parts of the country. We can't forget that -- like everything real estate -- foreclosures are a local phenomenon. 

In October, just 4 states accounted for more than half of the country's foreclosure filings. Those four states -- California, Florida, Michigan and Illinois -- represent just 26% of the U.S. population.

Even on a per household basis, the figures remain disproportionate :

  • Top 10 Foreclosure States : 1 foreclosure per 341 households, on average
  • Bottom 10 Foreclosure States : 1 foreclosure per 7,434 households, on average

The nationwide foreclosure rate was 1 foreclosure per 563 households.

As a Minneapolis home buyer, foreclosures are worth watching. They account for 18% of home resales nationwide and, in some markets, can be bought at steep discounts versus a comparable "non-distressed" home. That is part of their appeal, in fact.

But just because foreclosed properties can be a "deal", it doesn't mean you should rush to buy one. Buying a foreclosed home from a bank is different from buying a non-foreclosed home from a "person". The contracts and negotiation process are different, and foreclosed homes are sometimes sold as-is.

"As-is" means "this home may have defects".

Therefore, if you plan to buy a foreclosed home, talk with a real estate professional first. You can learn a lot about the housing market online, but with respect to writing an offer on a property, you'll want an experienced agent on your side.

Monday, November 14, 2011

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : November 14, 2011

Italy influencing U.S. mortgage ratesAmid a dearth of new U.S. economic data, Eurozone developments led mortgage markets down in last week's holiday-shortened trading week. Mortgage rates across Minnesota worsened slightly, increasing week-over-week for the first time in a month.

Freddie Mac reports the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage at 3.99% with an accompanying 0.7 discount points. Discount points are loan fees, and 1 discount point is equal to 1 percent of your loan size.

Greece has dominated mortgage market headlines since February. As the nation-state aims to reign in its national spending, it has also adopted harsh austerity measures. The combination is meant to prevent future debt defaults, but global investors remain concerned that problems in Greece may spill over into other Eurozone nations.

As those concerns have grown, U.S. mortgage markets have benefited. This is because U.S. mortgage markets are backed by the U.S. government, and investors treat the U.S. mortgage market as "safe" compared to other security-types.

Safe investments are in high demand during uncertain times, often improving in price. This pattern is known as Safe Haven Buying and it's one reason why mortgage rates tend to fall when the economy is sagging. Mortgage rates move opposite of mortgage bond prices.

This week, U.S. economic data returns, but markets will still be watching the Eurozone. Sunday, Italy changed leadership, in part, to restore market confidence in its ability to get its debt load under control. 

Expect developments in Italy to sway U.S. mortgage rates this week. In addition, rates will respond to a rash of economic data and Fed speakers :

  • Tuesday : Producer Price Index, Retail Sales, 5 Fed speakers
  • Wednesday : Consumer Price Index, Housing Price Index, 2 Fed speakers
  • Thursday : Housing Starts, Jobless Claims, 1 Fed speaker

Mortgage rates remain near all-time lows, with not much room to drop. If you're shopping for a mortgage rates, therefore, consider locking in. As Greece and Italy show signs of moving forward, expect Safe Haven Buying to recede, and mortgage rates to rise.